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SAN ROMAN, Frei Antonio de, O.S.B.- HISTORIA GENERAL | DE LA YNDIA ORIENTAL | Los Descobrimientos, y Conquistas que han hecho las Armas | de Portugal, enel Brasil, y en Otras partes de Africa, y de la | Asia; y de la Dilatacion del Santo Euangelio por | aquellas grandes Prouincias, desde | sus principios hastª el Año de | 1557...- En Valladolid: por Luis Sanchez, Año. 1603.- [28], 804 (aliás 794), [18] p.: 1 portada grav.; 28 cm.- E.
Important account of the discoveries and conquests of the Portuguese from 1416 to 1557, with extensive references to Brazil and the New World. The author (15th/16th century), a Spanish Benedictine, born in the city of Palencia, also published, on the same date and in the same city of Valladolid, a description of the «Jornada y muerte del Rey D. Sebastian». The copy retains the rare copperplate print architectural title (signed Juan Bapª Morales, fe), with an image of the author on the pediment, the title and coat of arms of the Constable of Castile, Juan Fernandez de Velasco, to whom the work is dedicated. Lightly cropped copy (title tangentially shaved on the outer margin), with some browning, but complete and solid, strictly corresponding to the description of Palau and the BNP online copy. Samodães (2982) gives us an extensive and detailed description, which also matches the present copy. According to Salvá (3396), copies with a frontispiece are rare. Ownership of the period, on the lower margin of the cover; extensive old notes on the back of the last page. Recent binding, full parchment, with the title handwritten on the spine, according to the taste of the time. Palau, 293611 (important work). Borba de Moraes, p. 765. Auvermann, 201 (excessively rare).

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 6,500Sold


JERÓNIMO DE AZAMBUJA, O.P., Frei.- REVERENDI | PATRIS FRATIS HIERONYMI | AB OLEASTRO LVSITANI, PRÆ- | DICATORII ORDINIS, AC SACRAE | Theologiæ Professoris, atque hæreeticæ prauitatis | apud Inclytam Olysoponem Inquisitoris Cõ | mentaria in Mósi Pentateuchum, iuxta. M. | Sanctis Pagnini Lucensis eiusde[m] ordinis interpretationem: quibus Hebraica ve | ritas exactissime expliactur...- Olyssipone: apud Iohannem Barrerium, Regium Typographum. Anno à nato Seruatore nostro Iesu Christo. M.D.L.VI. [1556].- [8], 315, [16] p.; 27 cm. Junto com: -----.- [...] Commentaria | in Exodum...- Olyssiponi: Ex officina Ioannis Blauij Coloniensis, 1557.- [4], 96 f.; 27 cm. Junto com: -----.- [...] Comentaria | in Leuiticum...- Olisipone: Apud Ioannem Blauium, 1557.- [2], 67 f.; 27 cm. Junto com: -----.- [...] Cõmentaria in Librum | Numerorum.- Olyssipone: Ex officina Ioannis Blauij Coloniensis, 1557.- [2], 86 f.; 27 cm. -----.- Comentaria in li | brum. Deutero | nomii.- Olissipone: Ex officina Ioãnis Blauij Coloniensis, 1558.- [1 br., 3], 69, [1] f.; 27 cm.- E.
Fr. Jerónimo de Azambuja († 1563), also known as Oleastro, religious of the Order of Saint Dominic, of which he was provincial, was one of the most prominent theologians of the 16th century. Deep knowledge of Latin and Greek languages; he participated in the Council of Trent where he was noted for his opposition to any kind of innovation; as High Inquisitor (1555) he practiced the greatest violence and cruelty. Original edition of his main work, the “Comments on the Pentateuch”, divided into five parts or books, the first printed by João Barreira and the others by João Blávio de Colónia. Each of the parts has its own title page and pagination, being autonomous as biblio-typographic species. The four books printed by João Blávio include, at the end, his printer's mark. Complete copy (with possible lack of some blank pages), a little disjointed, with signs of handling, censored in the first part: on the title page, five purge inscriptions (as well as two ownerships and two stamps, one of which was from the Franciscans of Balaguer); the main censure concerns the preface “Ad lectorem”, as in other copies, which, in addition to having several crossed out lines, presents a page (±14x14 cm) pasted on about 28 lines on the front of the page *iii. In the third part, some lines were also censored. Some worm holes, sometimes deep, but always marginal; occasional minor blemishes. Contemporary binding, full parchment, almost detached from the core and without endpapers, but retrievable. Author and abbreviated title inscribed in ink on the façade or fore edge (front edge of the leaves). For an introduction to the work, see Manuel Augusto Rodrigues, «A obra exegética de Fr. Jerónimo de Azambuja», in Biblos, LV, 1979, p. 183-195. Anselmo, 141 and 320 to 323. Lisbon Academy of Sciences, 9 to 13. BN (Século XVI), 389 to 393. Reiss & Auverman (L40), 1772. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, RES 288-284 Adq.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,000Sold


- 1 album without pagination [56] f.; 30x40 cm. Memories album, containing 56 sheets with autographs of public figures of the time, drawings and watercolours by Portuguese artists, poetry, dedications, small musical excerpts, etc. It must have belonged to Francisco Marques de Sousa Viterbo (1845-1910), a polygrapher, historian and archaeologist from Oporto, or his daughter Sofia (signature on f. 1) and features the monogram SV, in silver onlay, on the front cover. We highlight the most significant interventions: autographs of the royal family (King D. Carlos I, Queens D. Amélia, D. Maria Pia, Kings D. Afonso Henriques and D. Manuel I), including a small drawing of a sailboat, by King D. Carlos I (f. 2 ); watercolour by Alfredo Keil (f. 6); two caricatures by Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro and two by Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro (f. 7); autographs of actors and actresses, João Rosa, Eduardo Brasão, Rosa Damasceno, Lucinda Simões, etc. (f. 10); autograph and note by Almeida Garrett (f. 11); drawing by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (f. 14); drawing by Carlos Reis (f. 17); large drawing by Luigi Manini (f. 23); poem and watercolour by João Vaz (f. 24); musical autograph of Camille Saint-Saëns (f. 29); pastel by José Malhoa (f. 37); autograph of Anatole France (43); large drawing by Veloso Salgado (f. 48); etc., etc. Original full leather binding., unmarked silver, pursuant to Decreto-Lei nº 120/2017, of 15 September - art. 2, no. 2, subparagraph c)

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 5,500Sold


RESENDE, André de.- Libri Quatuor | DE ANTIQVITATIBVS LVSITANIÆ | à Lucio Andrea Resendio olim inchoati, & | à Iacobo Menœtio Mascancello | recogniti, atqœ absoluti. | Accessit liber quintus de antiquitate minicipij Eborensis, ab codem | Vasconcello conscriptus, quo etiam autore, secundus | tomus quique atios libros continens, cito, | deo opt max. fauente, | in lucem prodibit. | Permittente regia maiestate, & supremo sacro sanctæ | inquisitionis senatu, cum privilegio | ad decennium.- Eboræ: Excudebat Martinus Burgensis, 1593.- [35], 259 (aliás 261), [1 br.], 46 (aliás 45), [21] p.: il.; 29 cm.- E.
One of the most sought after works by the author, a pioneer in the field of archeology in Portugal. It includes numerous illustrations depicting epigraphic inscriptions. Since the pagination is a bit confusing, here's the exact collation of the copy: first section (from the title page) with four folios (signature +); second section (signature A) with eight folios (begins with the dedication of Diogo Mendes de Vasconcelos to Filipe II); third section with eight folios (signature B), in which the text of the work begins (folio B6 v.), curiously on the left page (Fol. 1 to Fol. 259, with a blank verso); 15 sections of 8 folios follow: signatures C to R (blank verso of R8); 4 sections with two folios signed +, ++, +++ and ++++ (blank verso of ++++2); three sections (signatures A, B and C) of eight folios, paginated from 1 to 46 (actually 45, due to an error on the last numbered page), errata (C7 v.) and two more blank pages; finally, the section that integrates the index (signature §) and consists of 9 folios with the last page blank. Exceptionally clean copy with good margins. Ex-libris of António Cupertino de Miranda. Binding from the 19th century, in full painted sheepskin, with a smooth spine, gold decorated. BN (16th century), 791. Samodães, 2761. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 469.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,400Sold


MURPHY, James Cavanah.- A general view of the state of Portugal; containing a topographical description thereof in which are included an account of the physical and moral state of the kingdom, together with observations on the animal, vegetable and mineral productions of its colonies.- London: Printed for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, 1798.- XI, 272 p.: XV gravuras, 1 mapa desdobr.; 31 cm.- E.
Original edition of one of the most famous foreign books on Portugal. James Murphy (1760-1814), Irish architect and traveller, native of Blackrock (Cork); in the service of William Burton Conyngham, he was in Portugal during the years 1789 and 1790, with the mission of studying and designing the architecture of the Monastery of Batalha. The author's third work on Portugal, the first two having been published in 1795: “Plans, elevations, sections and views of the church of Batalha...” and “Travels in Portugal through the provinces of Entre Douro e Minho, Beira, Estremadura and Alem-Tejo in the years 1789 and 1790”. It includes a map of Portugal (double, at the end) and 15 aquatints, coloured by hand, representing mainly Portuguese customs and costumes. The location of the engravings and the map strictly respects their original placement, according to the index on pages IX and X. The copy, with good margins, belonged to Rodrigo da Fonseca Magalhães (1787-1858), bearing its white seal and ownership on the title page; another ownership crossed out, on the lower margin, with a stain passing slightly to the next sheet. Some sections with browning, but the engravings are exceptionally clean and fresh. The copies with the hand-coloured engravings are very unusual. Ex-libris of Henrique Botelho. Half-leather contemporary binding (?), with the initials VB gold engraved on the upper cover, keeping the original endpapers in marbled paper. Duarte de Sousa, 509. Foulché-Delbosc, 197 D.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 750Sold

euro_symbol€ 500 - 750 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


EUSÉBIO DE CESAREIA.- Hystoria dela Igle | sia que llaman Eccle | siastica y Tripartita. | Abreuiada y trasladada de Latin en Ca- | stellano, pr vn Religioso dela or- | den de sancto Domingo. | Y aora nueuamente reuista y corregida | por el mesmo | interprete. | Año de M.D.LIIII. | Con priuilegio real.- Coimbra: por Juan Alvarez, 1554.- [4], 171, [3] f.; 27 cm.- E. .
Second Portuguese edition of a work based on the «Ecclesiastical History» by Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260/265- ca. 339/340) and his successors (especially Rufino and Cassiodorus), divided into nine books, the translation being the responsibility of the Dominican Fr. Juan de la Cruz. Unlike the first edition, printed in Lisbon by Luís Rodrigues in 1541, the present one includes a detailed colophon at the end of the text (f. y3r, fol. 171): ¶ A lo[v]or de Dios y dela gloriosa Virgen Maria se acabo de empremir la presente historia dela yglesia de Dios trasladada d[e] latin e[n] romance por el padre frey Juan de la cruz d[e]la orde[n] de predicadores de la prouincia de Portugal y agora de nueuo corregida por el mismo interprete. Fue impressa en la muy noble ciudad de Coimbra, por Juan Aluarez, impressor delRey nuestro señor a veinte & siete del mes de Agosto De .M.D.Liiij. The title page (blank verso) presents a Renaissance architectural framework; followed by the dedication to King D. João III (front and back); the «Prologo del interprete al Lector» occupies the third folio and the front of the following one (on the back the «Auisos»). On the front of the fifth folio (A1) we find the «Prologo de Eusebio Obispo de Cesarea», the text itself beginning on the verso of the same folio, which extends to the front of page 171 (f. y3r); the «Tabla delos Libros y Capitulos» fills the last seven pages (f. y3v to y6v). With the exception of the current titles, the text of the nine books is composed entirely in Gothic characters; the remaining texts (preliminary and final pages) are also printed in round characters. Copy very slightly cropped (carmine edge) and with slight browning, but generally clean; minor restoration on the lower margin of the third sheet. Recent and simple binding, complete with flexible parchment. Anselmo, 61. Palau, 115185. BN (16th century), 245. King D. Manuel II Library, 150.

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,100Sold


OVALLE, Pe.Alonso de, S.J.- HISTORIA | RELACION | Del Reyno de CHILE, | Y de las missiones, y ministerios que exercita en el | la Compañia de IESVS. | [...] | ALONSO DE OVALLE | De la Compañia de IESVS Natural de Santia- | go de Chile, y Procurador à ROMA.- En Roma: por Francisco Cauallo, 1646.- [8], 455, [1], 10, 12, 6 p.: il.; 25 cm.- E.
Original edition of an important description of Chile, illustrated with 14 copperplate prints, nine portraits of knights (governors), 12 portraits of the first generals who commanded the Spanish troops in Chile and 18 xilographic engravings, on the final nine sheets, representing Jesuit schools, churches, ports and Chilean islands. Main work by the Jesuit Alonso de Ovalle (1603-1651), historian and chronicler, born in Santiago de Chile, son of powerful Spanish landowners. The copy lacks the folding map of the province. The work printed in the same year in the Italian version, was only reprinted in 1888 (Santiago), with a circulation of 600 copies. The specimen has some imperfections, the most important of which are: excessive cropping, slight browning and handling; monogrammed stamp with a count's coronet, on the title page; the paper of the copperplate prints is of poor quality and some have small worm holes, most of them marginal. With the exception of the map, it is however complete, corresponding even to the collation indicated to us by Palau. Provenance: Library of Bernardino Ribeiro de Carvalho (lot nº 543 of auction nº 50 of Pedro de Azevedo), with its oval label (ex-libris) on the back cover. Binding from the 19th century, with morocco spine. Sommervogel, IV, 39/40. Palau, 207397.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,900Sold


CONSTITVIÇOENS DO | ARCEBISPADO DE LIXBOA.- Lisboa: Germam Galharde Frences, 1537.- [10], LXXXV, [1] f.; 26 cm.- E.
First constitutions of Lisbon, reformed by D. Afonso de Portugal (1509-1540), 10th archbishop, following the synod of 1536 in which the Church of Lisbon (and Portugal) replaced the Rite of Salisbury with the Roman Rite, in response to the proclamation of the Church of England by Henry VIII. Edition entirely composed in Gothic characters, with the exception of the title. The title page features a xilographic architectural framework, with the archbishop's coat of arms in the central reserve and the title at the base, inserted in a cartouche. This is followed by the “Tavoada destas constituições” (fol. [2] to [9]). The last preliminary sheet is part of the prologue. The text of the “Constituições” is developed on 85 sheets numbered from I to LXXXV. On the last sheet, with a blank verso, the colophon and an errata with eight lines. The copy, complete and solid, is excessively cropped, with the loss of the xilographic frame and the title (on the title page) and the marginal glosses on the pages of “Tavoada”. It was carefully treated (washed and reglued) and restored, namely on the title page and the last two sheets. The main text (85 f.) is clean and still has good margins. Recent red shagreen binding with triple fillets on the covers, roll on the squares, watered silk endpapers and top edge gilt. Anselmo, 613. BN (16th century), 418. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 253.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 300 - 450 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 300Sold


PINHEL, Aires.- AD CONTITVTIONES | C. DE BONIS MATER AMPLISSIMI | COMENTARII, | Authore Ario Pinelo Lusitano.- Conimbricae: s.n. [apud Antonium de Maris], Anno salutis M. D. LVII. mense Augusto. [1557].- [4], 200, [8] f.; 27 cm.- E.
Aires Pinhel (ca. 1512/1515- ca. 1562) studied in Salamanca and got his Phd in the city of Mondego, in Caesarian Law, having been appointed by King D. João III to teach at this University by royal charter of 2 September 1539, shortly after the definitive transfer of the University of Lisbon to Coimbra; he was a judge at the Casa da Suplicação and, at the end of his career, a professor at the University of Salamanca, replacing another Portuguese jurist, Manuel da Costa. He left us an extensive bibliography on legal topics, published in Portugal and abroad. Copy slightly tricropped, with slight handling and some annotations, from the time, in the final index; title page with old ownership and restoration in the lower outer corner, without affecting the text; occasional smaller worm holes, along the backbone. Author identified according to the bibliography. According to the BNP collation, three blank sheets may be missing at the beginning and another three at the end. Recent binding, full sheepskin, blind stamped on the covers and spine, probably from the workshop of master Império Graça (with silk ties). Anselmo, 824. BN (16th century), 591. King D. Manuel II library does not mention it.

euro_symbol€ 500 - 750 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 500Sold


VIEIRA, Pe. António.- SERMOENS.- Em Lisboa: na Officina de Ioam da Costa [e outros], 1679-1736.- 16 vols.: 1 gravura; 21 cm.- E.
Set consisting of the first 15 volumes (plus the first part of “Vozes saudosas...”), in first editions, of the sermons of the great Portuguese orator of the 1600s, with the following dates and printers: I - Primeyra parte (Na Officina de Ioam da Costa, 1679); II - Segvnda parte. (Na Officina de Migvel Deslandes, 1682); III - Terceira parte. (Na Officina de Migvel Deslandes, 1683); IV - Qvarta parte. (Na Officina de Migvel Deslandes, 1685); V - Qvinta parte. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1689); VI - Sexta parte. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1690); VII - Septima parte. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1692); VIII - Oitava parte. Xavier dormindo... (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1694); [IX] - Maria Rosa Mystica...: I parte. (Na Officina de Migvel Deslandes, 1686); [X] - Maria Rosa Mystica...: II parte. (Na Impressaõ Craesbeeckiana, 1688); XI - Undecima parte. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1696); XII - Parte duodecima. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1699); [XIII] - Palavra de Deos. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1690); XIV - Tomo XIV. (Por Valentim da Costa Deslandes, 1710); Tomo XV. Na Officina de Manoel da Silva, 1748); [XVI] Vozes saudosas da eloquencia... [tomo I]. (Na Officina de Miguel Deslandes, 1736). Volume XI includes an engraving representing the coat of arms of D. Catarina of Braganza, Queen of England, to whom the work is dedicated. Six volumes with period ownership or inscriptions on the title page. Cover page of last volume mirrored. Very clean volumes, covered with full lexible parchment, contemporary bindings, not exactly identical, but similar, with new endpapers and ties. Inocêncio, I, p. 289. Samodães, 3516. BN (Padre António Vieira, Bibliografia), 990 to 1028.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,800Sold


HYGINUS, Gaius Julius.- [Poeticon Astronomicon] Higinius de Stellis.- Papiae: Impressum: arte & industria Iacob Paucidrapësis de Burgofrãco, 1513.- [52 (i. é 51)] f.: il.; 19 cm.- E.
Beautiful edition of this astronomy manual, printed in Pavia, early 16th century. Work attributed to Hyginus de Stellis, Latin polygrapher (ca. 64 BC-17 AD), born in the Iberian Peninsula, according to some, or in Alexandria, according to others, a friend of Seneca, responsible for the Palatine library in Rome. His biography was transmitted to us by Suetonius. The princeps edition was printed in Venice in 1475, curiously with blank spaces for the illustrations that never made it to print. The work went through at least four editions in the 15th century. The present one includes a representation of the «Sphæra Mvndi» on the first folio, which is repeated on the reverse side, plus 47 figures of constellations and stars, with astrological zoomorphic or anthropomorphic representations. The edition is almost entirely composed in rotunda Gothic characters. Volume missing the last blank sheet, slightly cropped, but clean, showing a small restored worm hole on the outer margin of part of the sheets and that only occasionally touches the typographic stain. Non-contemporary binding in full flecked sheepskin. Provenance: auction 46, Pedro de Azevedo, May 2004, lot 332, Salema Garção Library (same copy). BM STC (Italy), 337. Leonardo Cantamessa (Astrologia), II, p. 1302.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,000Sold


BRADFORD, Rev. William.- Revue historique et chronologique des evenements memorables de la guerre dans la Peninsule, depuis l’embarquement du Prince Regent de Portugal, por le Brézil... = Chronological and historical retrospect of the memorable events of the war in the Peninsula, from the embarcation of the Prince Regent of Portugal to the Brazils...- London: printed for John Booth, 1813.- [2], 24 p.; 36 cm. Junto com: -----.- Esquisse du pays, du caractere et du costume, en Portugal et en Espagne, prises pendant la campagne et durant la marche de l’Armee Angloise, en 1808 en 1809... = Sketches of the country, character and costume, in Portugal and Spain, made during the campaign, and on the route of the British Army, in 1808 and 1809...- London: printed for John Booth, 1812.- [2], 38 f.: [39, 13] gravuras coloridas; 37 cm.- E.
The Reverend William Bradford (1780-1857) was a military chaplain and accompanied Wellington's forces in the Peninsular campaign against Napoleon's troops. His drawings were perfected and engraved by J. Clark to illustrate one of the most beautiful books on Portugal and Spain published in the 19th century. Variant of the 1809 edition, containing both parts with texts in French and English. In the present copy, the “Revue historique” is bound at the beginning of the volume, followed by the “Esquisse du pays”. The set is illustrated with 52 (39 + 13) hand coloured aquatints, corresponding exactly to the index (List of plaques) located after the title page of the second part. The last 13 aquatints represent Portuguese, French and Spanish military uniforms. Copy with very rare minor browning stains, but generally clean, showing great freshness in the colour of the prints. Levantine morocco half-binding from the 19th century (label: Bound by Allen, Chichester), with a slightly worn spine, on the head there is a small circular ownership mark crowned (super-books), with the initials BLC( ?), wrapped in the cord and motto of the Order of the Garter. Duarte de Sousa, 102 (for the 1809 edition). Tooley, 107.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold
