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SABELLICUS, Marcus Antonius Cocceius.- CORONICA | geral da eneyda segü | da de Marco Antonio Cocio | Sabellico des ho começo | do mundo ate nosso | tempo. | Tresladada de latim em lingoagë Portu- | gues por Dona Lianor filha do Marques | de Vila real Dom Fernando. | Dirigida aa muyto alta y muyto poderosa | senhora Dona Catherina Raynha de Por | tugal. Molher do muyto alto y muyto po- | deroso senhor Dom Joam terceyro Rey de | Portugal deste nome: y quinto decimo no | conto dos reys delle.- Coimbra: por Joam de Barreira y João aluares, 1553.- [8], CCCCXLIII p.; 28 cm.- E.
The author (1436-1506), Italian humanist, born in Vicovaro (Rome), professor of eloquence in Udine, was director of the Marciana Library in Venice, having published a history of the City of the Doges. The translation is by D. Leonor de Noronha (1488-1563), daughter of D. Fernando de Noronha, 2nd Marquis of Vila Real, distinguished Latinist, student of Cataldo Sículo. The first part had already been published by the same printers in 1550, but the two parts are rarely found together. The title page presents an architectural framework, with the text printed in round and Gothic; the reverse is occupied by a large engraving with the coat of arms of Portugal and, below, the censure of the inquisitor Fr. Jerónimo de Azambuja (dated 1550); followed by the “tatuada dos capitulos” (5 pp., folios +2f. to +4f.); on the verso of the fourth folio, the author's prologue; the text follows, composed in Gothic characters (except for some epigraphs) and in two columns: p. I to ccccxliij; colofon on the last folio (with blank verso) indicating that the printing was completed on “the tenth day of June of M.D.L.iij”. The title page was carefully treated, with the edges reconstituted; also the second sheet has the outer margin redone; the last folio has been completely reconstructed, retaining all the printed stain. A few other minor restorations, but overall a clean copy with good margins. Morocco half-binding from the 19th century, with carmine edges. Inocêncio, V, p. 179. King D. Manuel II Library does not mention it. BN (16th century) 833 (only for the second part).

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 8,000 - 12,000 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 5,000 - 7,500 Base - Estimate

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