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euro_symbol€ 2,500 - 3,750 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 2,500 - 3,750 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 6,000 - 9,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 6,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 50,000 - 75,000 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 50,000Unsold - Sold afterwards

euro_symbol€ 30,000 - 45,000 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 22,000 - 33,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 27,000Sold


LAS CASAS, D. Frei Bartholomé de, O.P.- ISTORIA | ò Breuissima Relatione | DELLA DISTRVTTIONE | dell'Indie Occidentali | [...] | Conforme al suo vero Originale Spagnuolo già stampato in Siuiglia. | Tradotta in Italiano dall'Eccell. Sig. Giacomo Castellani,| già sotto nome di Francesco Bersabita...- In Venetia: Presso Marco Ginammi, 1643.- [8], 149, [2] p.; 21 cm.- E. ]
Italian translation of the best-known work by Las Casas, a terrible libel against the processes of the “encomiendas” of the Indians, by the Spanish colonists and which came to provoke the publication of the New Laws of the Indies, protecting the indigenous people. Numerous references to Cuba, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. Las Casas (1474/84-1566), an indefatigable fighter against the oppression of American Indians, considered a precursor of abolitionism, in addition to having been bishop of Chiapas (Guatemala), he was a protege of Cardinal Cisneros who appointed him Universal Attorney and Protector of the Indians and obtained from Charles V several legislative measures for their protection. Bilingual text, printed in two columns, in Italian and Castilian. The last two pages are a list of works printed by Marco Ginammi. On the back of the title page: stamp from the library of a school belonging to the Society of Jesus and large(!) ex-libris by Diogo de Mello pasted on an unidentified stamp. Handwritten ownership on title page, slightly handled. Copy slightly cropped, with slight browning. Bound in flexible parchment, not original (repurposed), with new endpapers. Palau, 46955 (for the first Italian edition of 1626). Hail, 3286.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,100Sold


BYRON, Com. John.- Viaje del Comandante Byron al rededor del Mundo, hecho ultimamente de orden del Almirantado de Inglaterra: en la qual se da noticia de varios paises de las costumbres de sus habitantes, de las plantas, y animales estraños... / traducido del Ingles por el Doct. Don Casimiro de Ortega...- Segunda edicion, en que se añade el Resumen Historico del viage emprendido por Magallanes...- En Madrid: En la Imprenta Real de la Gazeta, 1769.- [16], 176, [12], 55, [1 br.] p.: 1 gravura, 1 mapa desdobr.; 20 cm.- E.
Second edition of the Spanish translation, published just two years after the original English edition (the first Spanish edition was published in the same year as the second). The work tells the voyage around the world of the English navigator John Byron (1723-1786) who, between 1764 and 1766, commanded the frigate Dolphin, accompanied by the frigate Tamer, through the Pacific Ocean, in search of new continents, having returned to England less than two years after his departure. The translator included at the end a “Resumen histórico del primer viaje hecho al rededor del mundo, emprendido por Hernando de Magallanes, e llevado felizmente á termino por el famoso capitan español Juan Sebastian del Cano”, with its own title page, next to page 176. In his work, Byron highlights the encounter with the giants of Patagonia, in Tierra del Fuego (represented in the engraving next to the title page), previously mentioned by the Portuguese navigator, but never scientifically confirmed. The fold-out map represents the Strait of Magellan in detail. Very clean contemporary binding copy, complete with flexible parchment. Palau, 38230. Borba de Moraes, p. 138.

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,400Sold


NOBRE, António.- Só.- Paris: Léon Vanier, 1892.- [8], 157, [2] p.; 23 cm.- E.
, Original edition of one of the most famous books of Portuguese poetry of the 19th century, whose print run was limited to 230 copies, printed on linen paper. António Nobre (1867-1900), an ultra-romantic and decadent poet, born in Oporto, was also influenced by the French symbolism of which he was one of the precursors in Portugal. The only book of poetry published during the short life of the author who died of tuberculosis at the age of 32. Copy with the author's dedication (on the flyleaf): Ao Sr. Doutor Antonio Candido homenagem de Antonio Nobre. Pariz, 12 de Abril, 1897. 21. rue Valette. It also includes two sheets of typographic proofs (bulk) with corrections that everything leads to believe that they could be from the author's hand, corresponding to part of the pages. 5 and 6 (Corujas piando... — Entre herva sedenta...) and end of page. 8 to the 2nd line of p. 10 (Uzava uma bluza... — Aos tristes cazaes!). Copy without brochure covers and slightly cropped, with tangential damage to one letter of the dedication. Ex-libris by Emílio Monteiro and white heraldic seal of Casa da Calçada, in Amarante, on the front cover. Full red shagreen recent binding with A. David (Lisbon) label; covers profusely full gilt, with concentric borders, title gold engraved in the centre of the upper cover (flower on the back), rolls on the squares and the thickness of the covers and gilt edges. Provenance: Silva’s/Pedro de Azevedo, May 1990, lot nº 1016, the same copy.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 1,200Unsold - Sold afterwards


BURNETT, William Hickling.- Burnett's views of Cintra.- London: published by Josh. Dickinson, s.d.- [14] litografias coloridas; 49 cm.- E.
The author (ca. 1800-ca. 1870), an English painter and draftsman, traveled through Portugal, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Tangier and Scotland, where he collected compositions that were later set in stone, in this case by Charles Joseph Hullmandel, with an active lithographic studio in London from 1819 to 1850. The title and imprint were removed from the brochure cover (certainly from one of the fascicles), which is still intact, since the edition does not have a title page (it was never printed). The volume consists of: a cover (the top one), a sheet with a dedication to William IV and 14 hand-coloured lithographs, printed by the chine-collée process, with the following inscription: Drawn from nature & in stone by Wm. H. Burnett — Printed by C. Hallmandel. The order of prints may vary in each copy. This one presents the following: 1 - Cintra; 2 - Cintra from the East; 3 - The Market Place; 4 - Entrance to Cintra; 5 - The Convent of the Penha Longa; 6 - The Convent of N.ª S.ª da Penna; 7 - General View of Cintra; 8 - Cintra from the West; 9 - The Cork Convent; 10 - A part of the Palace; 11 - An old Chapel of the Moorish Castle; 12 - The Church of Cintra; 13 - A Distant View of the Penna Convent; 14 - Entrance to the Penna. Prints, very clean, assembled in guards, keeping great freshness. Recent binding, in full morocco, signed Victor Santos, with a triple fillet in gold ornamental border on the covers, engraving on the front cover and smooth spine, in keeping with the taste of the time; gold roll on the squares and top edge gilt; protective case. Duarte de Sousa, II, 117.

euro_symbol€ 1,600 - 2,400 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,600Sold


tirados de noticias, relações, & memorias certas.- Lisboa: Na Impressaõ de Antonio Craesbeeck de Mello, 1679.- [18], 701, [47] p.: 1 portada grav.; 27 cm.- E. Original edition of a work based on the manuscript of «Historia da Guerra de Pernambuco e feitos memoraveis do Mestre de Campo João Fernandes Vieira», by Diogo Lopes Santiago, which was only published in 1875-1880. In fact, it is a compliment by Vieira, nicknamed Castrioto in allusion to the hero and Albanian king George Castrioto, a very popular figure in Portugal at the time. The author (1640-1693), a Benedictine monk, born in Guimarães, was the chief chronicler of the Kingdom, responsible for writing the seventh part of the «Monarquia Lusitana». The volume retains, at the beginning, the copperplate print title, with the portrait of the biographer, a little cropped and handled. Copy slightly cropped, with oval stamp (initials J.F.J.B.) on the type title page; occasional minor worm holes and light stains, especially on the margins. Restorations on the last four sheets of the Index. Binding from the 20th century, with leather spine. Inocêncio, VII, p. 48. Samodães, 1632. Borba de Moraes, p. 427 (rare). Auvermann, 1062.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


A working copy of the original edition of a work of capital importance to the history of Brazil, namely from 1630 to 1638. The author (ca. 1625-1692) was admiral of the Portuguese Fleet in Brazil and governor of Pernambuco (1661-1664) ), which allowed him to describe the events at first hand, having also had access to extensive documentation, both Portuguese and Dutch. The edition includes an engraved allegorical frontispiece, which is missing from the present copy. It also includes the «Viage [sic] da Armada da Companhia do Commercio, e Frotas do Estado do Brasil», with its own title page, dating from 1655 ([8], 64 p.). The last group of 39 numbered pages corresponds to the index. The copy also lacks the second preliminary sheet (beginning of the dedication) and has some serious defects, the main ones being the following: mirrored title page with browning and serious restoration, extending to the two following sheets; last two leaves with less profound restoration, especially on the outer margin. The rest of the sheets are cropped, but clean and without noticeable defects. Binding from the 19th century(?), full sheepskin. Inocêncio, III, p. 361. Borba de Moraes, p. 324/326 (rare). Samodães, 484. Auvermann, 1051. Arouca, F 187.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 900Sold


[COMPANHIA DE JESUS].- DIVERSI AVISI | PARTICOLARI DALL'INDIE | di Portogallo, riceuuti dall'anno 1551. | fino al 1558. dalli Reuerendi padri | della compagnia di GIESV. | DOVE S'INTENDE DELLI PAESI, | delle genti, & costumi loro, & la grande con- | uertione di molti popoli, che hanno | riceuuto il lume della santa sede, | & religione Christiana. | Tradotti nuouamente dalla lingua Spagnuola nella Italiana.- In Venetia: per Michele Tramezzino M D LXV. [1565].- [8], 294 f.; 14 cm.- E.
Venetian reprint of a set of 54 letters sent by Jesuit missionaries, mainly from Brazil, but also from India, Congo, Japan and China, between 1551 and 1558, to the general of the Society (some to Inácio de Loyola himself) and to his jesuit brothers in Portugal. The edition, published on the initiative of Michele Tramezzino (printer of the first map of Portugal), is dedicated to the Duchess of Urbino, Vittoria Farnese della Rovere, and includes 53 letters sent from numerous places, not only eastern but also western, namely Goa, Malacca, Ormuz, Pernambuco, São Vicente, São Salvador, Cochin, etc. Noteworthy are missives from Saint Francis Xavier, Fr. Luis Frós, Fr. Manuel da Nobrega, etc. Copy slightly cropped, but clean, with only occasional small stains, coated in a recent full parchment binding. Provenance: auction 34, Silva’s/Pedro de Azevedo, December 1999, lot 360 (same copy). STC (Italy), 349. Cordier, p. 48. Palau, 74650 (for the 1st edition of 1558: Se cita otra tirada por el mismo editor pero 1565 que no hemos visto). Borba de Moraes, p. 60.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,200Sold


ALVAREZ DE COLMENAR, Juan.- Les delices de l’Espagne & du Portugal, où on voit une description exacte des antiquitez, des provinces, des montagnes, des villes, des rivieres, des ports de mer, des forteresses, eglises, academies, palais, bains, &c...- A Leide: Chez Pierre Vander Aa, 1715.- 6 tomos em 2 vols.: il.; 16 cm.- E.
Copy of the small-format edition, in six volumes (bound in three volumes), of a very popular work on the Iberian countries, probably by a Frenchman who may have used a Spanish pseudonym. The six volumes present the following collation: I - [28], 216 p.: 1 Title, 1 engrav. dedication, 15 engrav.; II - [4], pp. 217 to 392: 1 engrav. title, 50 engrav.; III - [4], pp. 393 to 507, [1 br.]: 1 engrav. title, 48 (i. é 47) engrav.; IV - [4], pp. 509 to 688: 1 engrav. title, 18 engrav.; V - [4], pp. 689 to 816: 1 engrav. title, 21 engrav.; VI - [4], pp. 817 to 672 [i. é, 972], [50] p.: 1 engrav. title, 10 engrav. Each of the volumes includes a double engraved title page. Set missing engraving 61 (vol. II, p. 348) and failure of support on the outer margin of the first text sheet of volume IV (p. 509/510, without affecting the text). Otherwise, a solid copy, slightly cropped and with slight browning, conserving 165 of the 166 engravings, according to the index of volume VI. At the end of the last volume, with its own title page, a catalogue of books, maps and engravings published by the publisher in France, Germany and England (48 p.). Ex-libris by Gustavo R. A. Cudell. Contemporary bindings, full sheepskin, with some wear, missing the flying endpapers. Duarte de Sousa, 166. Palau, 9590. Auvermann, 1146.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 800Sold
