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MACHADO, Simão, O.F.M.- COMEDIAS | PORTVGVESAS. | Feitas pello excellente Poeta, | Symão Machado. | Comedias do Cerco de Dio. | primeira, & segunda parte. | Comedias da Pastora Alfea. | primeira, & segunda parte. | Nesta vltima impressaõ, enmendadas, & acrescenta- | das, dous Entremeses, & quatro Loas famosas.- Em Lisboa: Por Antonio Aluarez. Anno de 1631.- [2], 94, [12] f.; 19 cm.- E.
Apparently it is an unusual variant of the second printing, with the same date, of the comedies by Simão Machado (f. 1601-1640), a Franciscan religious, of whom little is known, who used, as a rule, the name of Fr. Bonaventura Machado. In fact, the title page does not correspond to the description by Inocêncio (I, p. 388 and VIII, p. 403) which indicates “Nesta segunda impressão...”, nor to the copy of the Samodães catalogue (1921), which reproduces a different frontispiece. The collation is also slightly different from those indicated in these two references, as it only includes two preliminary sheets. In the variants with the indication “Second impression” there are three preliminary sheets, the second integrating a dedication to D. Francisco de Sá de Meneses, Count of Penaguião. But the copy corresponds exactly to the description of the copy of the BNP. The addressee is also mentioned on the frontispiece of the reproduction of Samodães. However, this dedication disappears, both on the preliminary pages and on the title page of the present variant. Copy slightly cropped, with slight browning and occasional minor blemishes. Marginal restoration on the last leaf; two small amendments with ferrogallic paint, causing browning (f. F6 and H2). Title page with two small patched faults (± 28x21 mm), probably to remove stamps from the Livraria de Alcobaça (one still preserved on the front of the second folio). Ex-libris by Aníbal Fernandes Tomás (but not mentioned in his bookstore catalogue). Binding of the period, entirely flecked sheepskin, slightly worn, retaining the original endpapers on plain paper. Straw, 1236. Arouca, M 58.

euro_symbol€ 400 - 600 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 400Sold


LUÍS DE GRANADA, Frei, O.P.- COMPENDIO | De doctrina Christãa re- | copilado de diuersos autores que desta mate- | ria escreuerão, pelo R. P. F. Luys de Gra- | nada, Prouincial da ordem de | S. Domingos. | Acrescentarãose ao cabo treze Sermões das principaes | festas do anno: pelo mesmo Autor.- Foy impresso em Lixboaem casa de Joannes Blauio de Agripina Colonia, Impressor Delrey nosso senhor. Acabouse aos XXV. dias Dabril. Anno. 1559.- [4], CLXXIIII, [2], LIIII f.; 19 cm.- E.
First edition of a classic work of devotion, written in Portuguese, by a Dominican who left us a vast work that was reprinted multiple times, at least, until the end of the 19th century. Luís de Granada (1504-1588) lived in Portugal for the last 47 years of his life, he was confessor to King D. João III, Queen D. Catarina and King Cardinal D. Henrique. Bibliographer António Palau dedicates more than a thousand entries to it in about 40 pages of his “Manual del librero hispano-americano”. The text is almost entirely printed in Gothic rotunda characters. The thirteen sermons have their own title page and pagination. On the back of the last pages of each of the parts, the mark of the printer João Blávio de Colónia. Copy with slight browning, sometimes accentuated and occasional old marginal notes, harmed by the edging. Recent binding, full rigid parchment. Samodães, 1458. Palau, 107874. BN (16th century), 439. King D. Manuel II Library, 264.

euro_symbol€ 400 - 600 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 600Sold

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


GOUVEIA, D. Frei António de.- IORNADA | DO ARCEBISPO | DE GOA DOM FREY ALEIXO | DE MENEZES PRIMAZ DA IN- | DIA ORIENTAL, RELIGIOSO | da Ordem de S. Agostinho. | Quando foy as Serras do Malauar, & lugares em que morão os antigos Chri | stãos de S. Thome, & os tirou de muytos erros & heregias em que es- | tauão, & reduzio à nossa Sancta Fè Catholica, & obediencia da | Santa Igreja Romana, da qual passaua de mil an- | nos que estauão apartados. | Recopilada de diuersos tratados de pessoas de autoridade, que a tudo forão presentes, | Por Frey Antonio de Gouuea Religioso da mesma Ordem de Santo Agosti- | nho, lente de Theologia, & Prior do Conuento de Goa. | Dase noticia de muytas cousas notaueis da India, de | que a não auia tão clara. | Dirigida ao Reuerendissimo Senhor Dom Frey Agostinho de | IESV Arcebispo, & Senhor de Braga, Primaz das | Hespanhas Religioso da mesma Ordem.- Em Coimbra: Diogo Gomez Loureyro, 1606.- [6], 152, [2], 62, [9] f.; 26 cm.- E.
The work describes the pastoral journey of the Archbishop of Goa to the ancestral community of Christians in S. Tomé, in the Malabar Sierra, who followed the traditional Syrian-Chaldean rite. It is therefore of the greatest importance for the history of this Christian Church of the East, of which little or nothing was previously known. The author (†1628), born in Beja, professed in 1591 in the Hermits of Saint Augustine, in the Monastery of Graça in Lisbon; in 1602 he integrated an embassy to the Shah of Persia whose account can be read in book III of the present “Journey”; shortly afterwards he was appointed Bishop of Cyrene and Apostolic Nuncio to the Shah of Persia. As usual, the volume includes, with its own title page and independent foliation, the “Synodo diocesano da Igreja e Bispado de Angamale dos antigos christãos de Sam Thome das Serras do Malauar das partes da India Oriental” ([2], 62 f.) , followed by the “Missa de qve vsam os antigos christãos de São Thome do Bispado de Angamale...” ([9] f.). Copy a little trimmed, especially to the head of the page, sometimes with tangential damage to some current titles and numbering of the pages. However, it is complete and very clean. 20th century binding, in natural shagreen. Inocêncio, I, p. 151. Samodães, 1454. Auvermann, 542. Arouca, G 122.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 950Sold


VITRUVIUS (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio).- I DIECI LIBRI | DELL’ARCHITETTVRA | DI M. VITVVIO, | TRADOTTI E COMMENTATI | da Monsig. Daniel Barbaro elleto Pa- | triarca d’Aquileia, da lui reuedu- | ti ampliati; & hora in | piu commoda da for- | ma ridotti.- In Venetia: Apresso Francesco de’ Franceschi Senese. M. D. LXXIIII. [1584].- [8], 505, [1 br.] p.: il.; 24 cm.- E.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman civil and military architect and engineer, from the first century BC; his treatise, divided into 10 books, would come to influence the entire Renaissance and Classical treatise, being considered the only architectural treatise from the Greco-Roman period that has survived to the present day. Venetian edition from the last quarter of the 16th century, the third with the comments and additions of Daniel Barbaro (1513-1570), a Venetian humanist and diplomat, friend of Palladio, Pietro Bembo and Torquato Tasso (the two previous editions date from 1556 and 1567 ). Barbaro, who was assistant to the Patriarch of Aquileia and portrayed by Veronese, represented the Republic of Venice at the Council of Trent. Illustrated edition with more than a hundred xilograpy figures in the text, most of them full-page, two of which are folders. Copy slightly handled, with some underlining and annotations of the time, especially in the first and last two books. Title page and last 10 sheets with some stains and irregular edges. Non-contemporary binding (18th century?), entire worn sheepskin with multiple ornamental borders and a gold decorated central rectangle, on both covers (new endpapers). Brunet, V, 1330. Cicognara, 720.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 800Sold


ESTELLA, Frei Diego de, O.F.M.- Tratado de la | vida loores y excelencias del glorioso a- | postol y bienauenturado euangelista san | Iuan, el mas amado y querido discipulo | de Christo nuestro saluador: cõpuesto | por el . P. F. Diego de Estella, de la or- | den de los frailes menores: dirigido | a la muy alta y muy poderosa rey- | na de Portugal, y por mãda | do de su alteza agora nue- | uame[n]te impresso...- Lisbona: en la impre[n]ta de German gallarde, [1554].- ccviij, [3, 1 br.] f.; 20 cm.- E.
Fr. Diego de Estella (1524-1578), Franciscan religious, humanist, theologian and Spanish ascetic writer, born in Estella (Navarra) studied in Toulouse and Salamanca. In 1552 he arrived in Portugal, where he stayed for two years, integrated into the entourage of the Infanta D. Joana of Austria (1535-1573), princess of Portugal by marriage to the Infante D. João Manuel (1537-1554), parents of King D. Sebastian. First edition of his first work, dedicated to Queen D. Catarina. Title framed by a xilography similar to the one used in the first edition of “Os Lusíadas” (1572); on the back of the title page, another engraving representing the martyrdom of St. John. On the back of sheet cviij (f. CC8) an extensive colophon ending with the date of completion of the work: “Acabouse a nueue del mes de Augusto. Año de mil y quinhientos y cinquentay quatro”. In the first section, four sheets (A1, 2, 7 and 8) have restorations in the upper margin; apparently the M section was added from another copy. Otherwise, a clean, solid and complete copy. Ex-libris of J.G. Mazziotti Salema Garção. Contemporary binding, entirely flexible parchment, missing three ties, but retaining the original endpapers. Anselmo, 651. Palau, 83902. BN (16th century), 235. King D. Manuel II Library, 145.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold - Available to buy


STEDMAN, Cap. John Gabriel.- Narrative of a five years’ expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, Viz. Quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, & roots; with an account of the Indians of Guiana, & negroes of Guinea.- London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1796.- 2 vols.: il.; 30 cm.- E.
John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797), Dutch officer, participated as a volunteer in the expeditionary corps sent to suppress the slave revolt in Suriname. His account of the events was remarkably successful and was used as an argument by the abolitionist movement. The collation of the two volumes is as follows: I - 1 front. engrav., XVIII, 407, [8, 1 br.] p.: 40 engravings (ie 58); II - 1 front. engrav., IV, 404, [7, 1 br.] p.: 40 engravings (ie 64). The two volumes are thus complete, with 79 copperplate prints and a folding aquatint (numbered from 1 to 80), printed in black, according to the indices, but including a further 42 other repeated proofs, hand-coloured, not mentioned in the indexes. All engravings in black (shorter, ± 275 mm) are mounted on sheets with the original format and show some browning. The colour engravings, with the edges format (±298 mm), are very clean. All prints retain the original cellophane separators, with browning. Traces of wormholes and some imperfections on the hinge of the front cover of volume II. White stamp by Antonio de Almeida Correa, in both volumes. Good contemporary bindings, entirely crushed morocco, slightly worn, with labels by the London bookbinder C. Kalthoeber (1752-1819); double square ornamental borders on the covers, rolls on the squares and the gilt edges. Abbey (Travel), 719. Sabin, 91075. Cundall (West Indies), 1715.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


MIRANDA, Francisco de Sá de.- AS OBRAS | DO CELEBRADO | LVSITANO, | O doutor Frãcisco de Sá de Mirãda. | Collegidas por Manoel de Lyra. | Dirigidas ao muito illustre Senhor dom Ie- | ronymo de Castro, &c. | [gravura xilográfica com as armas de D. Jerónimo de Castro] | Impressas com licença do Supremo Conselho da Santa | Geral Inquisição, & Ordinario. | Anno de 1595. | Com priuilegio Real por dez annos.- [Lisboa]: Manoel de Lyra, 1595.- [8], 186 [i é 184], [3] f.; 18 cm.- E.
Original edition of the works of Sá de Miranda (1481-1558), considered the greatest Portuguese poet of the 16th century, right after Camões, and perhaps the one who most echoed Renaissance ideas to us, with the introduction of new literary forms being significant, namely prose comedy, the new meter, the sonnet, the eclogue, etc. The edition was published posthumously, nearly 30 years after the author's death. The copy corresponds to the collation indicated by Anselmo: the title page (blank verso) bears the coat of arms of D. Jerónimo de Castro, in copperplate printing; there is a folio with the licenses (f.) and the permit (v.); the following sheet includes the dedication (f.), two poems, a sonnet by Jerónimo de Morais and a “carmen” by Sebastião Alfaro (v.); the fourth folio contains a sonnet by D. Manuel de Portugal (f.) and the imprint of the printer Manuel de Lyra (v.) which is repeated on folio 162 (X2 v.). The text itself runs between sheets 1 and 186 (with numerous foliation errors), that is, between folios A1f. and Z8v; on the back of sheet 132 another mark of the printer Manuel de Lira, different from the one described above. At the end we find two folios (¶1 and ¶2) with the “Taboa (or Tavoada) das Rhimas do Autor”, which occupies four pages; there follows a folio such as “¶Auto de approuação these works” (f.) and the errata (v.), with the last blank folio that should complete the section missing from the copy. Copy slightly trimmed, but clean, possibly washed, with the gilt edges. Ex-libris by Walter Corrêa da Sá e Benevides. 20th century binding, full morocco, signed "Bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, London"; squared double fillet with florets in the corners, on the squares, gold closed panels on the spine, roll on the squares and double fillet in the thickness of the folders (protection case). Anselmo, 764. BN (16th century), 500. King D. Manuel II Library, 294.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 4,200Sold


[COMPANHIA DE JESUS].- COPIA DE | ALGVNAS CARTAS | que los padres y hermanos de la | compañia de IESVS, que andan en la | India, y otras partes orientales, escri | uieron a los de la misma compa- | ñia de Portugal. | [gravura xilografica] | Desde el año .M.D.LVII. hasta el de .LXI. | Trasladadas de Portugues en Castellano.- ¶ Impressas en Barcelona: por Claude Bornat, Año de 1562.- 13 [i. é, 131] f.; 15 cm.- E.
A collection of letters from Jesuit missionaries from the East addressed “a los de la misma compañia de Portugal” with the aim of awakening new missionary vocations in the Ignatian confreres. Reprint, greatly enlarged, of the original edition, also in Castilian, published in Coimbra, by João Álvares, in December 1555, just three years (and 10 days) after the death of St. Francis Xavier. The edition was remarkably successful, counting at least 12 re-editions in Portugal by the end of the 16th century. It contains 24 letters written between 1557 and 1561, from Goa, Daman, Vasai, Cochin, Malacca and Mozambique, but also from Japan (4 letters), not only to Portugal, but also to Goa, Ethiopia and Mozambique. Six letters from Fr. Luís Fróis, one of the great names of the apostolate of the East, but also of other missionaries such as Cosme de Torres, Gaspar Vilela, Baltazar Dias, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Luís de Gouveia, etc. On the last page there is a colophon surmounted by a xilography engraving with the imprint of the printer Claude Bornat. Very clean copy, slightly trimmed, covered in excellent binding, entirely in Jansenist morocco, with decoration on the squares, signed “Brugalla 1953”, Emilio Brugalla (1901-1987) considered the best Spanish bookbinder of his generation. Provenance: Silva’s / Pedro de Azevedo auction, April 2001, lot 320 (same copy). Palau, 61090, for the Coimbra edition of 1562, with a small reference to a copy in the British Museum). BNP RES 263//2 P.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 5,500Sold


SANTOS, Frei João dos, O.P.- ETHIOPIA ORIENTAL, | E VARIA HISTORIA DE COVSAS | notaueis do Oriente. | COMPOSTA POLLO PADRE FR. IOÃO | dos Santos da Ordem dos Pregadores | natural da Cidade de Euora.- Impressa no Conuento de S. Domingos de Euora: por Manoel de Lira impressor, 1609.- [8], 140 f.; 27 cm. Junto com: -----.- VARIA HISTO | RIA DE COVSAS NO- | TAVEIS DO ORIENTE. | E da Christandade que os Religiosos da | Orde[m] dos Prègadores nelle fizerão. | SEGVNDA PARTE...- Impressa no Conuento de S. Domingos de Euora: por Manoel de Lira. Anno de 1609.- [3, 1 br.], 123 f.; 27 cm.- E.
An important account of missionary activity in the East, written by a Dominican who died in Goa, in 1622. The edition includes a beautiful copperplate printed architectural frontispiece, signed Bras Nvnes Fecit (Ernesto de Sousa, 1374) . The second part has its own pagination and a xilography frontispiece, being considered an autonomous species by the bibliographer João Arouca. Untrimmed copy, slightly used, with occasional restorations, namely on the first frontispiece. It is, however, complete and solid. Provenance: Silva’s / Pedro de Azevedo auction, November 2000, lot 736. Bound from the 20th century, entirely in rigid parchment, with “à la grotesque” gold tooling on the spine. Inocêncio, IV, p. 33. Samodães (with facsimile face), 3056. Ávila Perez, 7001. Palha, 4222. Palau, 300592. Arouca, S 176, 177.

euro_symbol€ 4,000 - 6,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 6,500Sold

euro_symbol€ 300 - 450 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 300Sold


PARRY, Cap. William Edward.- Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1819-20, in His Majesty’s Ships Hecla and Griper, under the orders of William Edward, R.N., F.R.S., and commander of the expedition. With an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations.- The second edition.- London: John Murray, 1821.- 2 vols.: il.; 26 cm.- E.
Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855), English explorer, born in Bath, became famous for his travels in the Arctic, in an attempt to find the famous Northwest Passage, a feat that would only be achieved in 1906 by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen. The collation of the two volumes is as follows: I - [8], XXIX, [3], 310, [2], clxxix, [1] p.: XX engravings and maps; II - XXVI, [1], 186, [2], 151, [1] p.: [11] engravings and maps. Complete copy, with all 31 illustrations, according to the respective indexes (except in print XV, next to the title page and in the first map, on p. XXIV), nine aquatints (vol. I), six steel engravings (vol. II), 10 maps (5 splits) and six engravings with profiles of Arctic levels (1 splits). Copy slightly trimmed, with some browning, but generally clean. Cut at the fold of the fold-out map on p. 29, resulting from the trim; map XVIII badly folded; some imperfections along the backbone on the first and last leaves of each volume. White stamp from the J.G. Mazziotti Salema Garção Bookstore, on both front pages. Recent bindings, complete in green morocco, with closed panels on the smooth spines, rolls on the squares and top gilt edges. Protective cases.

euro_symbol€ 500 - 750 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 500Sold

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold - Available to buy
