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euro_symbol€ 1,800 - 2,700 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,400Sold

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euro_symbol€ 2,200 - 3,300 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,400Sold

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,000Sold


oil on wood and aluminum, signed and dated 2001
Dimensões (altura x comprimento x largura) - (total da caixa conforme considerado pelo autor) 47,5 x 43 cm

euro_symbol€ 1,800 - 2,700 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 2,500 - 3,750 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 7,500Sold

euro_symbol€ 6,000 - 9,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 6,000Sold


CAMÕES, Luís de.- OS | LVSIADAS | DO GRANDE | LVIS DE CAMOENS. | PRINCIPE DA POESIA HEROICA. | Commentados pelo Licenciado Manoel Correa, Examinador synodal | do Arcebispado de Lisboa, & Cura da Igreja de S. Sebastião da | Mouraria, natural da cidade de Eluas. Dedicados ao Doctor D. Rodrigo d'Acunha, Inquisidor Apostolico | do Sancto Officio de Lisboa. | Per Domingos Fernandez seu Liureiro. | (gravuras com as armas de Portugal) | Com licença do S. Officio, Ordinário, y Paço.- Em Lisboa: Por Pedro Craesbeek, Anno 1613.- [6], 308 f.; 19 cm.- E.
Edited commented by Manuel Correa, priest of Mouraria and a personal friend of Camões, whose comments, published posthumously, were reformed by Pedro de Mariz who bought them in auction after the death of their author. The biographical summary of Camões that Mariz outlines in his introduction was the first news about the Poet's life and contains almost all the data that is known about his life today. Copy with slight browning and other imperfections: excessive cropping, without affecting the current titles; restoration with adhesive paper on the outer edge of the cover sheet, without loss of support; rudimentary marginal restoration on the sixth preliminary sheet; last page handled, with old restoration, affecting about 30 letters in the final four lines (rebuilt by hand) along the outer margin. Binding from the 19th century, in full sheepskin, with endpapers in printed paper; weak joints. Regarding this edition, of which there are at least two variants, one should see the extensive comments dedicated to it by José do Canto (18) and Inocêncio (XIV, nº 18, p. 49). Samodães, 533. Arouca, C 50.

euro_symbol€ 400 - 600 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,700Sold


COSTA, Manuel da.- PATRVI | ET NEPOTIS DE SVCCES | SIONE REGNI PORTVGALLIÆ | TRACTATA QVÆSTIO: VTRVM PATRVVS, | Regis filius secundo genitus annis maior:an | verò eiusdem Regis nepos etiam infans, | ex primogenito conceptus, praeferri | debeat. [...] | ITEM ORATIO FVNEBRIS IN EXEQVIIS | Serenissimi Portugalliae Regis IOANNIS. III. | ab eodem autore Conimbricae habita.- Conimbricæ: Apud Ioannes Barrerium Typographum Regium. M. D. L. VIII. [1558].- [8], 216 [i. é 212] p.; 19 cm.- E.
Manuel da Costa (c.1510-1562), Portuguese poet, humanist and jurisconsult, born in Lisbon, was a student of Jerónimo Cardoso and Martim de Azpilcueta Navarro, in Coimbra, where he later taught. The work addresses the issue of succession to the throne since D. Sebastian was only three years old at the time of the death of his grandfather King D. João III, on June 11, 1557. The edition, indicating that the “Decimo Calendas Augusti”, includes in the final 16 pages the “Oratio funebris” given by the author, in Coimbra, at the funeral of the pious King, on June 25, 1557. Copy a little cropped, but clean, with restoration on the outer margin of the title page, without affecting the text. Recent binding, full sheepskin, with the seal of the Oporto workshop Invicta Livro, with plant decoration, in the Renaissance manner, on both covers. Anselmo, 149. BN (16th century), 206. Sebastica, 281. King D. Manuel II Library, 133 (Res. 139 Adq.).

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 900Sold


LUCANO [Marcus Annaeus Lucanus].- La hystoria | que escriuio en latin el poe- | ta Lucano: trasladada e[m] | castellano por Marti[n] | Lasso de Oropesa | secretario dela ex | celle[n]te señora | marquesa d’l | zenete cõ | dessa de Nassou.- En Lisbona: por Luys Rodriguez, 1541.- [10], cliiij f.; 20 cm.- E.
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39-65), Roman poet, born in Cordoba (Betic Hispania); despite his short life, he left us an extensive work, from which we only have the present text, known as Pharsalia, reporting the civil war between the supporters of Julius Caesar and those of Pompey the Great. Lucan would later participate in the failed conspiracy against the Emperor Nero, with whom he was a close friend, having been arrested and driven to suicide. The Spanish translation is by Fr. Martin Lasso (1499-1564), Spanish humanist, born in Oropesa (Toledo), secretary to D. Mencía de Mendoza, Duchess of Calabria, Marquise of Cenete and Countess of Nassou. Title printed in black and red, framed in a xilography engraving with Renaissance and architectural elements. The text is entirely composed in Gothic characters. On the back of the last page, an extensive colophon: “Aqui se acaban los diez libros de las guerras civiles que compuso en verso heroyco el famoso poeta Lucano [...]. Imprimieronse en la insigne ciudad de Lisbona a xx de mayo de mil y quiñientos e quarente y uno años: por Luys Rodriguez librero del Rey nosso señor” Title page with two old ownerships: one on the front (fray Ju[an] de Miravilla), another on the back (illegible). Small marginal stain on the first and last leaves; minor marginal restoration on folio lxxxi; occasional minor blemishes. Otherwise, an example with slight browning, but clean. Binding of the period, full flexible parchment (recovered?), with part of the ties missing. BN (16th century), 435. Library of King D. Manuel II, 260.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 900Sold


SOUSA, Manuel de Faria e.- ASIA | PORTVGVESA. | TOMO I. [II & III] | DE MANUEL DE FARIA, Y SOUSA | Cavallero de la Orden de Christo, | y de la Casa Real.- Lisboa: En la Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliveira, 1666-1675.- 3 vols.: il.; 27 cm.- E
Original edition of one of the most appreciated works by the author (1590-1649), a nobleman, humanist, poet and historian, born in Felgueiras. The copy presents the following 19 prints separately printed, fresh and well preserved (those of the first volume in copperplate and the remaining xylographies): Volume I - Saint Helena, Cochin, Quiloa, Cananor, Sofala, Goa, Malacca, Ormuz, Chaul, Vasai and Diu; Volume II - Island of Mozambique, Damão, Manar, Mangalor, Onor and Bargalor; Volume III - Muscat and Macau. The collation of each volume is as follows: I - [32], 396, [42] p; volume II - [8], 968, [2] p. III - [8], 564, [6] p. The three volumes also feature three copperplate printed frontispieces (integrated into the opening sections) and numerous copperplate figures and xilographies in the text, depicting viceroys and other historical figures. Although the bibliographies and catalogues consulted do not provide rigorous indications as to the number and distribution of illustrations, we are not aware of any copy with a greater number of engravings. Copy a little trimmed, with occasional minor stains, but overall clean. Bindings from the 19th century, full sheepskin, with mottled patina, preserving the endpapers of the time, in marbled paper. Inocencio, V, p. 416. Auvermann, 493. Arouca, S 530, 531 and 532.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 8,500Sold


ALVAREZ DE COLMENAR, Don Juan.- Annales d'Espagne et de Portugal, contenant tout ce qui s'est passé de plus important dans ces deux Royaumes & dans les autres parties de l'Europe, de même que dans les Indes Orientales & Occidentales, depuis l'établissement de ces deux Monarchies jusqu'à présent. Avec la description de tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable en Espagne & en Portugal. Leur etat present, leurs interets, la forme du gouvernement, l'étendue de leur commerce, &c.- A Amsterdam: Chez François l'Honoré & Fils, 1741.- 4 vols.: il.; 27 cm.- E.
One of the most appreciated foreign books on Portugal and Spain, from the 18th century, whose author, unidentified, but probably French, may have used a Spanish pseudonym. Larger format edition, based on the work “Les delices de l'Espagne & du Portugal”, previously published in Leiden (Netherlands), by Pieter van der Aa, in 1707 (6 vols., in 12º), illustrated with three folding maps and 166 copperplate prints (in fact 165, due to a numbering error from 45 to 47 ), most of which are double (two per page). The collation of each of the volumes is as follows: I - [4], XII, 424, [2] p.: 3 unfolded maps; II - [4], 288 p.: 93 (in fact 92) engrav.; III - [4], 331 p.: engrav. 128 to 157; IV - [4], 340, [44] p.: engrav. 158 to 166. Copy a little cropped, with the loss of some subtitles of the engravings, with the lack of engraving 161 (vol. IV, p. 88); slight browning and restored stain on the lower margin of vol. IV. Bindings of the period, full sheepskin, slightly worn, with double miter on the covers, gold closed panels on the spines, conserving the original endpapers in marbled paper. Carmine and waxed edges. Provenance: Library Gustavo R. A. Cudell (ex-libris in the four volumes). Duarte de Sousa only refers to the smaller format edition (261). B. Xavier Coutinho, 413. Palau, 9589. Auvermann, 1146.

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


CAVAZZI DA MONTECUCCOLO, Pe. Giovanni Antonio, O.F.M. Cap.- ISTORICA | DESCRIZIONE | DÉ TRÉ REGNI | CONGO, MATAMBA, | ET ANGOLA | SITVATI NELL' | ETIOPIA INFERIORE OCCIDENTALE | E DELLE | MISSIONI APOSTOLICHE | Esercitateui da Religiosi Capuccini, | Accuratamente compilata dal | P. GIO ANTONIO CAVAZZI DA MONTECVCCOLO | SACERDOTE CAPUCCINO | IL QVALE VI FV PREFETTO | E nel presente stile ridotta dal | P. FORTUNATO ALAMANDINI | DA BOLOGNA | Predicatore dell'istesso Ordine.- In Bologna: Per Giacomo Monti, 1687.- [16], 933, [1] p.: il.; 29 cm.- E.
Original edition of the work of the Italian missionary Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi (1621-1678), completed in 1670 and published posthumously, compiled and ordered by the Capuchin Fortunato Alamandini, who took the initiative to have eight more engravings made to complete the ones Cavazzi had commissioned. Giovanni Antonio tells us about his travels through the three kingdoms of Congo, Matamba and Angola, between 1654 and 1667, during which he met Queen Jinga and even presided over her Christian funeral in 1663 (illustration p. 718). The edition is illustrated with an allegorical cover, a folding map of the Kingdom of Congo and Angola, nine separate engravings (eight full-page and one fold-out) and 40 illustrations along with the text, also engraved in intaglio. Copy with some browning and signs of use; the engravings separately, less fresh and without sound, with some imperfections, handling and restorations (number 6 with a small support failure on the inner margin). Binding of the period, full parchment, with some wear, preserving the original endpapers. Provenance: auction nº 35, Silva’s / Pedro de Azevedo, March 2000, lot nº 200 (same copy). Brunet, I, col. 1699. Sabin, 11592. Auvermann, 255.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


CARDIM, Pe. António Francisco, S.J.- FASCICVLVS E IAPPONICIS FLORIBVS, | SVO ADHVC MADENTIBVS SANGVINE, | COMPOSITVS | A P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Prouincia Iapponiæ ad Urbem | Procuratore. | QVI LEGITIS FLORES, | HOS LEGITE, | SIC QVONIAM POSITI SVAVES | MISCENTVR ODORES. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- [8], 252 [i. é 256] p.: [87] gravuras, 1 mapa desdobr. [em falta]; 20 cm. Junto com: -----.- CATALOGVS | REGVLARIVM, | ET | SECVLARIVM, | Qui in Iapponiæ Regnis vsque à fun- | data ibi | A S. FRANCISCO XAVIERIO | Gentis Apostolo Ecclesia | AB ETHNICIS | In odium Christianæ Fidei | Sub quatuor Tyrannis violenta morte sublati | sunt. | Collectus | A P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Prouincia Iapponiæ ad Urbem | Procuratore. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- 79, [1 br.] p.; 20 cm. Junto com: -----.- MORS | FELICISSIMA | QVATVOR LEGATORVM | LVSITANORVM | ET | SOCIORVM | Quo Iapponiæ Imperator | occidit | IN | Odium Christianæ Religionis. | Auctore | P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Procuratore ad Urbem Prouincia | Iapponiæ. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- 40 p.; 29 cm.- E.
Father Cardim SJ (1596-1659), Jesuit missionary, born in Viana do Alentejo, joined the Society of Jesus in 1611, having finished his studies in Goa. Cardim was one of the great travelers in the East, chronicler of the Society of Jesus in China and Japan and attorney general of the province of Japan, ended his days in Macao, at the age of 63, after having lived 15 years between the two empires of East. Volume containing three works printed in Rome, by the same printer and in the same year, which usually occur together. The first contains the eulogies of 87 Jesuit missionaries and martyrs in Japan, each eulogy being preceded by a copperplate print, printed separately, representing the respective martyrdoms. The “Catalogus”, not illustrated, records in chronological order the names of other missionaries “Qui in Iapponia, in odium Christianæ Fidei, violent death sublati sunt”, between 1557 and 1640. The third part “Mors felicissima”, is a “ List of the glorious death of four Portuguese ambassadors from the city of Macao, with fifty-seven of their companions beheaded for the faith in Nangasaqui on August 3, 1640”, according to the title of the Portuguese translation published in Lisbon, in 1643.Volume slighltly handed and less fresh, with some imperfections and missing the folding map of Japan (present in facsimile, loose). Cover sheet, fragile, requiring treatment; restoration on the upper margin of engraving 64; engraving 68 shorter; small marginal tear in engraving 32, without lack of support. It is, however, complete with text and 87 engravings, especially the first, of St. Francis Xavier (the first engraving of the Saint), which is missing from many of the known examples. Modern binding, complete with flexible parchment, with laces and gold decoration on the covers and spine, according to the taste of the period. Inocêncio, I, p. 143/144. Samodães, 590 (with a brief description). Sommervogel, II, p. 740. Reiss & Auvermann (Auction 40), 446.

euro_symbol€ 4,000 - 6,000 Base - Estimate

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