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euro_symbol€ 10,000 - 15,000 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

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CARDIM, Pe. António Francisco, S.J.- FASCICVLVS E IAPPONICIS FLORIBVS, | SVO ADHVC MADENTIBVS SANGVINE, | COMPOSITVS | A P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Prouincia Iapponiæ ad Urbem | Procuratore. | QVI LEGITIS FLORES, | HOS LEGITE, | SIC QVONIAM POSITI SVAVES | MISCENTVR ODORES. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- [8], 252 [i. é 256] p.: [87] gravuras, 1 mapa desdobr. [em falta]; 20 cm. Junto com: -----.- CATALOGVS | REGVLARIVM, | ET | SECVLARIVM, | Qui in Iapponiæ Regnis vsque à fun- | data ibi | A S. FRANCISCO XAVIERIO | Gentis Apostolo Ecclesia | AB ETHNICIS | In odium Christianæ Fidei | Sub quatuor Tyrannis violenta morte sublati | sunt. | Collectus | A P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Prouincia Iapponiæ ad Urbem | Procuratore. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- 79, [1 br.] p.; 20 cm. Junto com: -----.- MORS | FELICISSIMA | QVATVOR LEGATORVM | LVSITANORVM | ET | SOCIORVM | Quo Iapponiæ Imperator | occidit | IN | Odium Christianæ Religionis. | Auctore | P. ANTONIO FRANCISCO CARDIM | è Societate IESV | Procuratore ad Urbem Prouincia | Iapponiæ. | [pequena gravura com o trigrama da Companhia de Jesus].- Romæ: Typis Heredum Corbelletti, 1646.- 40 p.; 29 cm.- E.
Father Cardim SJ (1596-1659), Jesuit missionary, born in Viana do Alentejo, joined the Society of Jesus in 1611, having finished his studies in Goa. Cardim was one of the great travelers in the East, chronicler of the Society of Jesus in China and Japan and attorney general of the province of Japan, ended his days in Macao, at the age of 63, after having lived 15 years between the two empires of East. Volume containing three works printed in Rome, by the same printer and in the same year, which usually occur together. The first contains the eulogies of 87 Jesuit missionaries and martyrs in Japan, each eulogy being preceded by a copperplate print, printed separately, representing the respective martyrdoms. The “Catalogus”, not illustrated, records in chronological order the names of other missionaries “Qui in Iapponia, in odium Christianæ Fidei, violent death sublati sunt”, between 1557 and 1640. The third part “Mors felicissima”, is a “ List of the glorious death of four Portuguese ambassadors from the city of Macao, with fifty-seven of their companions beheaded for the faith in Nangasaqui on August 3, 1640”, according to the title of the Portuguese translation published in Lisbon, in 1643.Volume slighltly handed and less fresh, with some imperfections and missing the folding map of Japan (present in facsimile, loose). Cover sheet, fragile, requiring treatment; restoration on the upper margin of engraving 64; engraving 68 shorter; small marginal tear in engraving 32, without lack of support. It is, however, complete with text and 87 engravings, especially the first, of St. Francis Xavier (the first engraving of the Saint), which is missing from many of the known examples. Modern binding, complete with flexible parchment, with laces and gold decoration on the covers and spine, according to the taste of the period. Inocêncio, I, p. 143/144. Samodães, 590 (with a brief description). Sommervogel, II, p. 740. Reiss & Auvermann (Auction 40), 446.

euro_symbol€ 4,000 - 6,000 Base - Estimate

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ESTELLA, Frei Diego de, O.F.M.- Tratado de la | vida loores y excelencias del glorioso a- | postol y bienauenturado euangelista san | Iuan, el mas amado y querido discipulo | de Christo nuestro saluador: cõpuesto | por el . P. F. Diego de Estella, de la or- | den de los frailes menores: dirigido | a la muy alta y muy poderosa rey- | na de Portugal, y por mãda | do de su alteza agora nue- | uame[n]te impresso...- Lisbona: en la impre[n]ta de German gallarde, [1554].- ccviij, [3, 1 br.] f.; 20 cm.- E.
Fr. Diego de Estella (1524-1578), Franciscan religious, humanist, theologian and Spanish ascetic writer, born in Estella (Navarra) studied in Toulouse and Salamanca. In 1552 he arrived in Portugal, where he stayed for two years, integrated into the entourage of the Infanta D. Joana of Austria (1535-1573), princess of Portugal by marriage to the Infante D. João Manuel (1537-1554), parents of King D. Sebastian. First edition of his first work, dedicated to Queen D. Catarina. Title framed by a xilography similar to the one used in the first edition of “Os Lusíadas” (1572); on the back of the title page, another engraving representing the martyrdom of St. John. On the back of sheet cviij (f. CC8) an extensive colophon ending with the date of completion of the work: “Acabouse a nueue del mes de Augusto. Año de mil y quinhientos y cinquentay quatro”. In the first section, four sheets (A1, 2, 7 and 8) have restorations in the upper margin; apparently the M section was added from another copy. Otherwise, a clean, solid and complete copy. Ex-libris of J.G. Mazziotti Salema Garção. Contemporary binding, entirely flexible parchment, missing three ties, but retaining the original endpapers. Anselmo, 651. Palau, 83902. BN (16th century), 235. King D. Manuel II Library, 145.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

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euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

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