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SÁ, Manuel Tavares de Sequeira e.- Jubilos da América, na gloriosa exaltaçaõ, e promoçaõ do Illustrissimo e Excellentissimo Senhor Gomes Freire de Andrada, [...] Collecçaõ das obras da Academia dos Selectos, que na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro se celebrou em obsequio, e applauso do dito Escellentissimo Heroe...- Lisboa: Na Officina do Dor. Manoel Alvares Solano, 1754.- [78, 2 br.], 363, [1 br.] p.; 20 cm.- E.
First and only edition of a collection of works by members and sympathizers of the Academia dos Selectos, founded in Rio de Janeiro at the end of 1751 or beginning of 1752, presided over by the Jesuit Francisco de Faria, born in Rio. The association had a single meeting on January 30, 1752, in honour of Gomes Freire de Andrade, and the texts read at the time were published in the present volume, at the initiative of Manuel Tavares de Sequeira e Sá (fl. 18th century), secretary of the Academy, juiz de fora (magistrate appointed by the King of Portuga) in Vila de Redondo (Alentejo) and ombudsman general of the District of Parnaguá (Piauí, Brazil). The texts are contained in an extensive letter from Sequeira e Sá to members of the Academy, as well as some responses, followed by numerous poetic compositions, especially sonnets and epigrams, by various academics and sympathizers, namely Tomás José Homem de Brito, José Pereira Leão, Rodrigo de Seixas Brandão, Mateus Saraiva, Pedro da Silva Rosa, Inácio Gomes de Lira Varela, Domingos Lourenço de Castro, Francisco Correia Leal, António Nunes de Sequeira, Miguel da Costa, Miguel da Costa Ribeiro, Ângela de Amaral Rangel (blind to birth ), etc. Inocêncio (very rare copies I have seen) is of the opinion that most of the copies were sent to Brazil, which would justify their rarity. Borba de Moraes (p. 759/760) considers the “Júbilos” “a very important book in Brazilian literature”. Copy slightly cropped (carminated edges), with browning due to the poor quality of the paper and occasional ink stains. Recent binding, full sheepskin, with patina and gold tooling on the spine, in the manner of the time. Inocêncio, VI, p. 116 and XVI, p. 340. Sabin, 79186. Borba de Moraes, 759. Gauz (JCBL), 754/2.

euro_symbol€ 1,500 - 2,250 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,500Sold


NIEUHOF, Johan Jacob.- JOHAN NIEUHOFS | Gedenkweerdige | BRASILIAENSE | ZEE- en LANT- | REIZE. | Behelzende | Alhetgeen op dezelve is voorgevallen. | Beneffens | Een bondige beschrijving van gantsch | NEERLANTS BRASIL, | Zoo van lantschappen, steden, dieren, gewassen, als | draghten, zeden en godsdienst der inwoonders...- Junto com: JOAN NIEUHOF | ZEE en LANT- | REIZE, | door verscheide Gewesten van | OOSTINDIEN...- t’Amsterdam: Voor de Weduwe van Jacob van Meurs, 1682.- 2 partes em 1 vol.: il.; 38 cm.- E.
Original edition of the main work of Johan Nieuhof (1618-1672), a Dutch traveler in the service of the Dutch East and West Indies Companies. Nieuhof arrived in Brazil in 1640, where he stayed for nine years, leaving us an interesting account of the region occupied by the Dutch (first part); the second part is an extensive and detailed description of Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia). The collation of the two parts is as follows: [6], 240,[2] p.; [4], 308, [4] p. The first part is illustrated with an engraved frontispiece, an engraving with the author's coat of arms and his portrait (preliminary pages), four engravings (two doubles) and nine large copperplate vignettes (130x145 mm), next to the text; the second part, with its own title page and independent pagination, includes 45 prints (28 doubles) and 21 vignettes. Copy a little used, with some imperfections: page C2 (p. 19/20, 1st p.) with serious tears repaired with adhesive tape (no lack of support); some stains on pages. 120/121, 2nd p.); tear repaired with adhesive tape on leaf Hh3; some browning, small tears and occasional minor stains. It is, however, complete, with all the engravings, in accordance with the indexes (the map of Brazil is poorly bound, between p. 16/17). 20th century binding, full sheepskin, with gold tooling on the covers and spine in the manner of the time. Sabin, 55279. Borba de Moraes, p. 614.

euro_symbol€ 1,600 - 2,400 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,000Sold


MACHADO, Diogo Barbosa.- Bibliotheca Lusitana historica, critica, e cronologica. Na qual se comprehende a noticia dos authores portuguezes, e das obras, que compuseraõ desde o tempo da promulgaçaõ da Ley da Graça até o tempo prezente.- Lisboa Occidental: Na Officina de António Isidoro da Fonseca [e outros], 1741-1759.- 4 vols.: 1 retrato il.; 41 cm.- E.
Diogo Barbosa Machado (1682-1772), abbot of Santo Adrião de Sever, occupies a prominent place in the history of Portuguese books, above all because he was the author of the “Bibliotheca Lusitana”, the first Portuguese general bibliography. A scholarly bibliographer and bibliophile, he gathered an extensive and important private library that he would donate to the Crown following the destruction of the Royal Library in the fire that followed the 1755 earthquake. First edition, large format, illustrated with a beautiful portrait of the author, copperplate printed by Thomassin (Ernesto Soares, 299 - B). The collation of each volume is as follows: I - [80], 767, [1 br.] p.; II - [4], 926, [1, 1 br.] p.; III - [4], 798, [1, 1 br.] p.; [8], 721, [4, 1 br.] p. Slightly cropped copy, with slight browning, occasionally strong; hakf title of volume II, loose and shorter (from another copy). Full sheepskin bindings, from the 20th century (1st half?), with blind decoration on the covers and gold on the spines (worn and with traces of wormholes). Inocêncio, II, p. 146. Samodães, 305. Sousa da Câmara, 242.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


BRADFORD, Rev. William.- Revue historique et chronologique des evenements memorables de la guerre dans la Peninsule, depuis l’embarquement du Prince Regent de Portugal, por le Brézil... = Chronological and historical retrospect of the memorable events of the war in the Peninsula, from the embarcation of the Prince Regent of Portugal to the Brazils...- London: printed for John Booth, 1813.- [2], 24 p.; 36 cm. Junto com: -----.- Esquisse du pays, du caractere et du costume, en Portugal et en Espagne, prises pendant la campagne et durant la marche de l’Armee Angloise, en 1808 en 1809... = Sketches of the country, character and costume, in Portugal and Spain, made during the campaign, and on the route of the British Army, in 1808 and 1809...- London: printed for John Booth, 1812.- [2], 38 f.: [39, 13] gravuras coloridas; 37 cm.- E.
The Reverend William Bradford (1780-1857) was a military chaplain and accompanied Wellington's forces on the Peninsular campaign against Napoleon's troops. His drawings were perfected and engraved by J. Clark to illustrate one of the most beautiful books about Portugal and Spain published in the 19th century. Variant of the 1809 edition, containing the two parts with the texts in French and English. In this issue, the “Revue historique” is bound at the beginning of the volume, followed by the “Esquisse du pays”. The set is illustrated with 52 (39 + 13) hand-coloured aquatints, corresponding exactly to the index (List of plates) located after the title page of the second part. The last 13 aquatints represent Portuguese, French and Spanish military uniforms. Copy with very rare minor browning, but overall clean, showing great freshness in the colour of the prints. Half-binding from the 19th century, in Levantine morocco (label: Bound by Allen, Chichester), with a slightly worn spine, showing at the top a small crowned circular ownership mark (book stamps), with the initials BLC( ?), wrapped in the cord and motto of the Order of the Garter. Duarte de Sousa, 102 (for the 1809 edition). Tooley, 107.

euro_symbol€ 1,400 - 2,100 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,400Sold


ROUSSIN, Albin Reine, Baron de.- Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l’Amérique Méridional, situées entre l’île de Santa-Catarina et celle de Maranhaõ; cartes et plans de ces côtes, et instructions pour naviguer dans les mers du Brésil...- Paris: De l’Imprimerie Royale, 1826.- [4], 40 p., [2] f.: [15] mapas; 68 cm.- E.
Albin Roussin (1781-1854), French Navy officer, born in Dijon, Rear Admiral at the time the work was published, member of the Council of the Admiralty, Commander of the Order of the Cross (Brazil, 1820) and later Minister of the Navy and Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour (France, 1836). Roussin commanded the oceanographic expedition that took place on the coasts of Brazil in 1819 and 1820, consisting of the corvette La Bayadère and the brig Le Favori. Monumental edition consisting of title page (blank verso), an “avertissement”, with a “table de matière de la première partie” (on the verso) and an introductory text with 40 pages, including five tables; followed by two engraved sheets (title and table) and 15 copperplate printed maps, 14 of which are double sheets (67x97 cm). Very clean copy, covered in a remarkable contemporary binding, fully red morocco, with gilt ornamental borders and a large rectangular frame with rocaille tools and gold anchors at the corners, on both covers, with a book stamp crowned with the monogram FO at the centre, probably of Ferdinand-Philippe, Duke of Orléans (1810-1842). Binding with very slight wear, smooth spine gold decorated with romantic tooling, roll on the squares and gilt edges.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,800Sold


CAVAZZI DA MONTECUCCOLO, Pe. Giovanni Antonio, O.F.M. Cap.- ISTORICA | DESCRIZIONE | DÉ TRÉ REGNI | CONGO, MATAMBA, | ET ANGOLA | SITVATI NELL' | ETIOPIA INFERIORE OCCIDENTALE | E DELLE | MISSIONI APOSTOLICHE | Esercitateui da Religiosi Capuccini, | Accuratamente compilata dal | P. GIO ANTONIO CAVAZZI DA MONTECVCCOLO | SACERDOTE CAPUCCINO | IL QVALE VI FV PREFETTO | E nel presente stile ridotta dal | P. FORTUNATO ALAMANDINI | DA BOLOGNA | Predicatore dell'istesso Ordine.- In Bologna: Per Giacomo Monti, 1687.- [16], 933, [1] p.: il.; 29 cm.- E.
Original edition of the work of the Italian missionary Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi (1621-1678), completed in 1670 and published posthumously, compiled and ordered by the Capuchin Fortunato Alamandini, who took the initiative to have eight more engravings made to complete the ones Cavazzi had commissioned. Giovanni Antonio tells us about his travels through the three kingdoms of Congo, Matamba and Angola, between 1654 and 1667, during which he met Queen Jinga and even presided over her Christian funeral in 1663 (illustration p. 718). The edition is illustrated with an allegorical cover, a folding map of the Kingdom of Congo and Angola, nine separate engravings (eight full-page and one fold-out) and 40 illustrations along with the text, also engraved in intaglio. Copy with some browning and signs of use; the engravings separately, less fresh and without sound, with some imperfections, handling and restorations (number 6 with a small support failure on the inner margin). Binding of the period, full parchment, with some wear, preserving the original endpapers. Provenance: auction nº 35, Silva’s / Pedro de Azevedo, March 2000, lot nº 200 (same copy). Brunet, I, col. 1699. Sabin, 11592. Auvermann, 255.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,100Sold


DANIEL, Pe. Gabriel, S.J.- Abrégé de l’histoire de France depuis l’etablissement de la Monarchie Françoise dans les gaules.- A Paris: Chez Denys Mariette, Jacques Rollin [et. al,], 1727.- 6 vols.: il.; 29 cm.- E.
Father Gabriel Daniel (1649-1728), Jesuit and French historian, born in Rouen, with a vast active bibliography on religious and philosophical themes (anti-Jansenism), achieved his greatest literary success with the publication of a “Histoire de France” (Paris , 1713), whose 1755-60 edition would later be expanded to 17 volumes, represented here in its “abrégée” version in six. The first volume is illustrated with an allegorical frontispiece and a fold-out map of the Gallic States. Copy with slight browning, but in general clean and preserving good margins. Contemporary bindings, full sheepskin, a little worn and with traces of wormholes on the spines, featuring, at the centre of all covers, gold engraved, the book stamps with the coat of arms of Michel Robert Le Pelletier des Forts (1675 -1740), Count of Fargeau, French statesman and politician, Intendant of Finance and Councilor of State to Louis XIV and Minister of State to Louis XV. Especially damaged are the spines of volumes IV and VI. All volumes retain the original marbled paper endpapers. Brunet, II, col. 487 (l’abrégé a été longtemps préféré à la “Grande Histoire”). Sommervogel, II, 1812, 32.

euro_symbol€ 500 - 750 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


[MAXIMILIAN ZU WIED-NEUWIED, Prince.- Abbildungen zur Naturgeschichte Brasiliens = Recueil de planches coloriées d’animaux du Brésil.- Weimar: au Bureau d’Industrie, 1822-1831].- [53] f.: 55 gravuras; 47 cm.- E.
Set of 55 copperplate prints (out of 90), 54 of which are hand-coloured (accompanied by the respective explanatory texts, in German and French), from the important collection that the German prince, naturalist and explorer Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied (1782- 1867) published after his return from Brazil, where he stayed between 1815 and 1818, having traveled mainly through the interior of southeastern Brazil. The volume contains the following plates: 1 - Ateles hypoxanthus; 2 - Felis macroura; 3 - Diclidurus albus; 4 - Vespertilio Naso; 5 - Coluber formosus; 6 - Coluber venustissimus; 7 - Callithrix personatus; 8 - Hapale leucocephalus; 9 - Hapale chrysomelas; 10 - Bradypus tridactylus; 11 - Histrix insidiosa; 12 - Boa aquatica; 13 - Agama picta; 14 - Mus pyrrhorhinus; 15 - Bufo cinctus; 16 - Sciurus aestuanus; 17 - Elaps Marcgravii; 18 - Mycetes niger; 19 - Ardea pileata; 20 - Callithrix melanochir; 21 - Cavia rupestris (& Aperea); 22 - Cebus cirrifer; 23 - Dicholophus cristatus; 24 - Mycetes ursinus; 25 - Teius Ameiva (& cyanomelas); 26 - Agama catenata; 27 - Testudo tabulata; 28 e 29 - Lachesis rhombeata; 30 - Cophias bilineatus; 31 - Anolis viridis (& gracilis); 32 - Boa cenchria; 33 - Canis brasiliensis; 34 - Elaps corallinus; 35 - Stellio torquatus; 36 - Bradypus torquatus; 37 - Bufo Agua; 38 - Coluber venustissimus (variété); 39 - Cophias Jararacca; 40 - Cophia atrox; 41 - Hyla Faber (& punctata); 42 - Hyla elegans (& luteolo & aurata); 43 - Scytale coronata; 44 - Coluber Merremii (poecilogyrus & doliatus); 45 - Coluber bicarinatus; 46 - Coluber pileatus; 47 - Coluber poecilogyrus; 48 - Hyla crepitans (& sibillatrix); 49 - Amphisbaena puncata (& flavescens); 50 - Cervus rufus; 52 - Coluber pyrrhopogon; 53 - Emys depressa; 54 - Emys depressa; 55 - Noctilio dorsatus. Print 29 (without text) not coloured; the text of prints 39 and 40 is common to both prints. The engravings are very clean and retain large margins. Engravings 53 and 54 with small fragments of the respective cellophane separators. Period half-binding, in mottled red morocco, with slight wear, showing, at the foot of the spine, the crowned LP monogram, probably Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans (1773-1850).

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,800Sold


Autor:Title / Designation: HOFFMANSEGG, Comte de; LINK, Johann Heinrich Friedrich.- Flore portugaise ou description de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement au Portugal, avec figures coloriées, cinq planches de terminologie et une carte.- À Berlin: de l’Imprimerie de Charles Fréderic Amelang et se trouve chez les Aureurs...- 1809-[1834].- 2 vols.: 1 atlas com 111, 3 (i.e 90, 2) gravuras; 57 cm.- B.
The German botanists Johann Centurius Hoffmann, Count of Hoffmansegg (1766-1849) and Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767-1851) were in Portugal between 1797 and 1801 (stays not entirely coincident), having studied the Portuguese flora in depth and exhaustively. In addition to this edition, the two scientists also published a famous travel book, in three volumes, which came to rehabilitate the image of Portugal in the eyes of Europe (Kiel, 1801-1804), promptly translated into English and French. An incomplete copy, like most of the copies that have appeared on the market, in paperback (loose sections and engravings), preserving the covers of the fascicles, as it was published, of a monumental enterprise that, for more than a century, became the main work reference on this topic. The collation of the two volumes should be as follows. Volume I: [8], 458 p., engrav. 1 a 70; volume II: [4], 436 p.: engrav. 71-109, [2, 3] engrav.. ; 52 cm. Copy missing engravings 20, 24, 26, 33, 65, 68, 70, 73 a 77, 80, 83, 84, 85, 98 to 101 and 108a (numbered from 1 to 109, with two engravings with nº 90 (a and b) and two with nº 108 (a and b); the first of three finals is still missing “planches d’instruction” and a lithographed title at the beginning of volume I that appears in some copies. Volume II is missing eight pages of text: sections 77 to 80, corresponding to pages. 305 to 320. The engravings, copperplate opened, using the stipple technique, by several engravers, according to originals by G. W. Voelker and J. C. Hoffmann himself, were printed in colour, which makes the work the first to be printed in Germany, by this process. The two volumes of text, with some browning, preserve 27 covers of the respective fascicles, some with the numbering changed manually; the prints (in a total of 90 +2), also loose, retain a single cover. The set is packed in a modern protective box covered with fabric. Dunthorne 136. Great Flower Books, p. 59. Nissen BBI, 901. Stafleu & Cowan 2911.

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 500 - 750 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold
