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GIRALDES, Joaquim Pedro Cardoso Casado.- Tratado completo de cosmographia, e geographia-historica, physica e commercial, antiga e moderna.- Pariz: Chez Fantin [e outros], 1825-1828.- 4 vols.: 2 retratos; 27 cm.- E.
The author (1780-1845), scientist and diplomat, born in Oporto, was a member of the Academy of Sciences and other academies and consul of Portugal in Le Havre and Genoa, where he would die. From the preliminary discourse we can verify that the work initially had a more ambitious plan that consisted of six volumes. The last two, however, were never published. The collation of each of the volumes is as follows: I - XXIV, 477 p.: 1 portrait; II - VII, 474, [2] p.; III - [8], 423 p., 1 folding table; IV - [8], 413 p., 4 folding tables: 1 portrait. The copy preserves the two portraits (of King D. João VI of Portyugal and the author), mentioned by Inocêncio and that are missing in most of the copies. The four volumes with foxing, sometimes strong, covered in good contemporary bindings, entirely in crushed black morocco, with elegant romantic gold tooling decoration on the covers and smooth spines. On the front cover of the first volume, the following inscription gold engraved: A Sua Magestade Luiz Filippe Rei dos Francezes. Roll on squares, blue silk endpapers and edge gilt. Label typed by J.E.G.Rebello da Fontoura and ex-libris of Victor d’Avila Perez. Inocêncio, IV, p. 142 and 453.

euro_symbol€ 300 - 450 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 300Sold


SOUSA, Manuel de Faria e.- ASIA | PORTVGVESA. | TOMO I. [II & III] | DE MANUEL DE FARIA, Y SOUSA | Cavallero de la Orden de Christo, | y de la Casa Real.- Lisboa: En la Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliveira, 1666-1675.- 3 vols.: il.; 29 cm.- E.
First edition of one of the author's emblematic works. The copy features the following 14 engravings (out of 19) separately, fresh and well preserved (those in the first and second volumes in copperplate and the rest in xilography): Volume I: Santa Helena, Cochin, Quiloa, Cananor, Sofala, Goa , Malacca, Hormuz, Chaul, Vasai and Diu. Volume II: [Island of Mozambique, Daman, Manar, Mangalor, Onor, missing] and Bangalor. Volume III: Muscat and Macao [wooden engravings]. The collation of each volume is as follows: I - [32], 396, [42] p; volume II - [8], 968, [2] p. III - [8], 564, [4] p. The three volumes also feature three engraved frontispieces and numerous copperplate and xilographic prints, integrated into the text, depicting viceroys and other historical characters. All engraved titles with scratched oval stamp, the first volume with restoration on the verso. The three volumes, cropped, with slight browning and occasional stains. Handwritten ownership of Antonio de Sande Machado (1725) and Barreto Alpoim (in all volumes). Full sheepskin bindings, 18th century, slightly worn. Inocêncio, V, p. 416. Auvermann, 493. Arouca, S 530, 531 and 532

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 4,200Sold


OSÓRIO, D. Jerónimo; CASTANHEDA, Fernão Lopes de [et al.].- HISTOIRE | DE PORTVGAL, | CONTENANT LES ENTRE- | prises, nauigations, & gestes memorables des | Portugallois, tant en la conqueste des INDES | ORIENTALES par eux decouuertes. qu’és | guerre d’Afrique & d’autres exploits. depuis l’an | mil quatre cens nonãte six, sous Emmanuel pre- | mier, Ieã troisieme, & Sebastiã premier du nom...- A Paris: Chez Guillaume de la Nouë, 1581. [8], 680, [22] f.; 17 cm.- E.
Parisian 16th century edition comprising, the first twelve books, the work “De rebus Emanuelis Regis”, by D. Jerónimo Osório (1506-1580), who would become the last bishop of Silves (1564-1577) and the first of the renewed diocese from the Algarve, based in Faro (1577-1580); it also includes the eight books of “História da India”, by Fernão Lopes de Castanheda (ca. 1500-1559) and some texts “d’autres historiens”. The translation was by the theologian and humanist Simon Goulart de Senlis (1543-1628), one of the representatives of French Protestantism. On the same date another edition of the same translation was published in Geneva. Slightly cropped copy with slight browning, but complete, solid and clean. Binding from the 17th/18th century, full sheepskin, a little worn, with minor damage to the top corner of the spine. Edition not mentioned in the main bibliographies and catalogues consulted, including Palau, Duarte de Sousa, Borba de Moraes, Samodães, etc. Brunet, IV, 249.

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


SOARES, Frei João, O.S.A.- LIbro dela | verdad d’ | la fe. | Sin el qual no due [sic] | estar ningu[m] xpiano. | Cõ priuilegio real. | Xpiano. Herege. Gentio. Judio. Moro.- Lisboa: Luis Rodriguez, 1543.- [4], cxxxij f.; 25 cm.- E.
Work dedicated to King D. João III of Portugal, by a shoed hermit of the Order of Saint Augustine (1507-1572), born in São Miguel de Urró (Penafiel), who became bishop of Coimbra (1545-1572). In his text, Fr. João Soares intends to justify, through the interpretation of the Scriptures, the anti-Jewish Iberian discourse prevalent at the time and, at the same time, legitimize the inquisitorial persecutions against the enemies of the faith. The complex title page (in black and red), made up of four xilographies (an initial L and two decorative stripes), is very significant of the author's purposes: the lower engraving represents a Christian friar and the four types of infidels: heretics , Gentiles, Jews and Moors. Edition entirely composed in Gothic characters, presenting all the pages of text, in two columns, framed in xilographies frames, consisting of small loose stripes. Slightly handled copy, but clean. Two scratched ownerships (old) between the lines of the title; inscription with place and date in the lower margin. At the end of the text (back of page R4), an extensive colophon, giving the print as finished on the 20th day of the month of January 1543. On the back of the last page, the great mark of printer Luís Rodrigues. Recent binding, entirely parchment, with elaborate gold tooling on the covers and spine and the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Portugal gold engraved at the centre of both covers. Anselmo, 1037. Palau, 315315. Biblioteca Nacional (16th century), 858. Not mentioned in Biblioteca de D. Manuel II.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,500Sold


[SÃO JOÃO EVANGELISTA, Congregação de].- LIVRO | DOS PRIVILEGIOS | CONCEDIDOS PELLOS | Súmos Pontifices, à Congregação de S. Ioão | Euangelista, assim per concessão, co- | mo per commissão: com em | seus titulos se declararà | Mandarão se imprimir no Capitulo do Anno de 1583. O qual se fez em o Mosteyro de San- | cto Eloy de Lisboa: sendo Gèral o muyto Reue- | rendo Padre Miguel do Spiritu Sãcto: | Foy esta diligencia cõmetida ao | Padre Ioão de Sam | Pedro.- Em Lisboa: Impresso por Antonio Aluarez. Anno 1594.- [2], 78, [3] f.; 30 cm.- E.
The Congregation of Secular Canons of St. John the Evangelist, or Lóios, was founded at the beginning of the 15th century with the aim of contributing to the reform of the clergy. In the reign of King D. João III of Portugal, the Lóios were in charge of administering all the hospitals in the Kingdom, having founded convents in Lisbon, Évora and Oporto. Excellent copy of a rare 16th-century species printed in Lisbon, of which Inocêncio (IV, p. 5) will not have seen any copies. Very solid and with good margins (carminated edges), it has some underlining from the time, very slight and occasional stains and the possible missing of the last blank folio. The words on the frontispiece are framed by a complex xilography cartouche, surmounted by the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Portugal. The Latin text is set in very clear round characters, printed on heavyweight paper and includes numerous xilography capital letters, some of which are large, as well as other decorative motifs. Binding from the 19th century with a morocco spine. Not mentioned by Samodaes, Ameal or Ávila Perez. Anselmo, 33. BN (16th century), 188. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 122.

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,200Sold


[HISTÓRIA DA NOSSA REDENÇÃO].- ¶ Este liuro he do | começo da historia da nossa rede[n]- | çam que se fez pera consolação dos | que nam sabe[m] latim: pede o au- | tor della aos leitores q[ue] se nella ha | acharem lhe digam por amor de |deos hu[m] pater noster polla alma. | Foy aprouada pela sancta Inqui- | siçam deste reino de portugal.- Em ha muyto leal cidade de Lisboa em casa de Germão galhard impressor del Rey nosso senhor..., M.d.lij años [1552].- [1], cvj f.; 18 cm. Junto com: Esta he a segun | da parte da historia da nossa re- | denção: que se fez pera consolaçã | dos que não sabe[m] latim. | Pede ho autor aos leytores que se nela acha | rem lhe digão por amor de Deos hu[m] Pater noster por alma.- Impressa em a muyto nobre & sempre leal cidade de Coimbra [...]. Por Ioão de Barreyra imprimidor del Rey na vniversidade d Coimbra [...] anno de 1554.- cxlix, [2, 1 br.] p.; 18 cm.- E.
A complete set, with two parts, of a work that, according to Maria Alzira Simões, is “de autoria incerta atribuída a Jorge da Silva e mandada imprimir por D. Leonor de Noronha”. The two parts correspond exactly to the descriptions of the BNP copies, except for the first part which has one more page, the title page, not registered in the respective catalogue. The two parts are almost entirely composed in Gothic characters; the first with an architectural engraving on the title page, very similar to the one used in the first edition of “Os Lusíadas” in 1572 (pelican with the head turned to the viewer's left). The second features a xilography with four vegetal stripes and a small central engraving, with a female figure. It belongs to an old manuscript, scratched, on the face of the first part, causing strong browning, with a small loss of support. Moreover, the two volumes are slightly cropped (carmine edges), with slight browning and rare reading marks (signs and underlines), but in general very clean. Binding from the 20th century, entirely in blue morocco, with label by Frederico d’Almeida; gilt fillet squared on the covers, roll on the squares and in the thickness of the sides. Anselmo, 643 and 128 (the only known copy [of the 1st part] belonged to the Viscount of Azevedo). Samodaes, 224 (acquired by Ávila Perez). BN (16th century), 315 and 317. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 195 (2nd part only).

euro_symbol€ 1,500 - 2,250 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,000Sold


CORDEIRO, Pe. António, S.J.- Historia insulana das ilhas a Portugal sugeytas no Oceano Occidental / composta pelo Padre Antonio Cordeyro, da Companhia de Jesus, Insulano tambem da Ilha Terceira, & em idade de 76. annos, para a confirmaçam dos bons costumes, assim moraes, como sobrenaturaes, dos nobres antepassados insulanos, nos presentes, & futuros, descendentes seus, & só para a salvaçaõ de suas almas, & mayor gloria de Deos.- Lisboa Occidental: Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galram, 1717.- [16], 528 p.; 29 cm.- E.
Original edition of a classic work of Azorean historiography. Father António Cordeiro (1641-1722), born in Angra de Heroísmo, based his work on the manuscript, then unpublished, by Fr. Gaspar Frutuoso (c.1522-c.1591), “Saudades da Terra”, which was in the bookshop of the Jesuit College in Ponta Delgada (currently in the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada). Divided into nine books, the work not only refers to the Azores, but also to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira and Porto Santo. Slightly dusty specimen with some foxing and wormholes on the first 30 leaves, especially marginal ones; a deeper wormhole on the outer margin of the last 25 leaves, sometimes affecting the printed marginalia. Small stamp on title page: F[?]. Ressano Garcia. Binding from the 19th century, in full sheepskin with a smooth spine (traces of wormholes), retaining the original marbled paper endpapers. Inocêncio I, p. 114. Samodaes, 889 (very rare). Ernesto do Canto, 79. Auvermann, 229.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 600Sold


RODRIGUES, Frei Manuel, O.F.M.- EXPLICACION | DE LA BVLLA DE LA | SANCTA CRVZADA. | Y de las clausulas de los Iubileos y cõfesionarios | que ordinariamente suele conceder su Sancti- | dad, muy prouechosa para Predicadores, Curas, y Confessores, aun en los Reynos donde | no ay Bulla. Compuesta por el Padre Fray Ma | nuel Rodriguez Lusitano... | [...] | Diuidese este libro en tres partes, como | se vera a la buelta desta oja.- [Lisboa]: Impresso por Antonio Aluarez, 1591.- [4], 328, [2, 279, 1 br.] f.; 15 cm.- E.
The Bull of the Holy Cross, created in the 12th century and reformed several times, granted graces, privileges and indulgences to the faithful who initially contributed to the crusades and, later, to all initiatives whose purpose was the expansion of Catholicism. It was extinguished only in 1914, by Benedict XV. Fr. Manuel Rodrigues (1545-1613), a Discalced Franciscan, was born in Estremoz. The work had three editions, two in 1591 and another in 1592. This copy belongs to a variant not described in the bibliographies, presenting, right after the group of 328 sheets, two sheets with their own title page, but without imprint, a “Contitutio moderatoria” of Pope Gregory XIV; then follows the “Table copiosa de todo lo que contiene en lostreatos de esta libro”, as per the copy of the BNP. Slightly cropped but clean copy, with occasional period notes and rare underlining. Contemporary binding, completely flexible parchment, with new endpapers. Anselmo, 18 (variant), Gusmão, 918 (variant). BN (16th century), 820.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 600Sold


CONESTAGGIO, Geronimo Franchi de.- THE | HISTORIE OF | THE VNITING | OF THE KINGDOM OF | PORTVGAL TO THE | Crowne of Castill: | Containing the last warres of the Portugals against | the Moores of Africke, the end of the house | of Portugall, and change of that | Gouernment. | The description of Portugall, their principall Townes, Castles, | Places, Riuers, Bridges, Passages, Forces, Weaknesses, Reuenues, | and Expenses. Of the East Indies, the Isles of Terceres, | and other dependences...- London: Edward Blount, 1600.- [12], 324, [7, 1 br.] p.; 26 cm.
First edition, published without the author's name, of the English translation of the work of the famous Genoese historian Conestaggio, by algyns wrongly attributed to D. João da Silva, Count of Portalegre. Initially considered pro-Spanish, this did not prevent it from being banned in the court of Filipe I (of Portugal). The work, whose original edition was published in Genoa in 1585, was quickly translated into German, French, Latin, Castilian and English, with several editions until the mid-17th century, has now been rehabilitated and is considered an objective and impartial account of events that led to the loss of independence from Portugal in 1580 (see article published by Prof. Giacinto Manuppela, in the Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira, Lisbon, FCG, 1960, vol. I, nº 3, p. 352). Complete copy, slightly cropped and with slight foxing. Title page (blank verso) slightly dusty, with old ownership inscription on the upper margin. Small wormholes on lower margin of the last 60 leaves. Good contemporary binding (recovered?), fully made of rigid parchment, with double gold frames and central florets on the covers (new endpapers). Palau, 313382 (Entry Silva, Juan de).

euro_symbol€ 1,200 - 1,800 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


PINTO, Fernão Mendes.- LES | VOYAGES | ADVANTVREUVX | DE | FERNAND | MENDEZ PINTO. | FIDELEMENT TRADVICTS DE | Portugais en François par le Sieur BERNARD | Figvier Geltil-homme Portugais...- A Paris: Chez Mathvrin Henavlt, M. DC. XXVIII. [1628].- [8], 1193, [14, 1 br.] p.; 22 cm.- E.
First French edition of the famous book by Fernão Mendes Pinto (1510/14-1583), traveler and adventurer, born in Montemor-o-Velho, which was republished twice in Paris during the 17th century (in 1645 and 1663) . Fernão Mendes left for India in 1537, having stayed in the East for around 21 years. The “Peregrinação”, a fantastic account of his troubled adventures, was originally published on the initiative of Fr. Belchior Faria, 31 years after his death (Lisbon, 1614), based on the original manuscript bequeathed by the author to Casa Pia dos Penitentes. The first three pages correspond to the title pasge (composed in black and red) and the dedication of the edition to Cardinal Richelieu, signed by the translator Bernard Figuier (probably Bernardo Figueira), followed by the privilege (f. a4) and the “Defense apologetique de l'Histoire Orientale by Fernand Mendez Pinto” (f. e1 to e5); on the back of the last preliminary sheet an “Advertissement au lecteur”; the text unfolds from pages. 1 to 1193, set to a column in round characters, followed by “Table des chapitres...” on the last 14 pages (plus one blank). Slightly cropped copy, probably treated (washed), with slight browning and occasional light stains. Full sheepskin binding, non-contemporary, with double squared fillet on the covers and closed panels on the spine (rebuilt). Brunet, IV, col. 670. Palau, 163206. Cordier (Japonica), 37. Leite de Faria, 31-1. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II does not refer.

euro_symbol€ 1,600 - 2,400 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,600Sold


HENRIQUE, Cardeal Rei D.- MEDITATIO- | NES, ET HOMILIÆ | in aliqua mysteria Saluato- | ris, & in nonnulla Euangelij loca: | quas sibi priuatim conscripsit Se- | renissimus ac Reuerendissi- | mus Cardinalis D. Henri- | cus, potentissimi ac inui- | ctissimi Emmanuelis | quondam Portu- | galliæ Regis | filius. | HIS ADDITA SVNT NON- | nulla Opuscula D. Bonauenturæ: quæ | Lectoris animum ad pietatem | vehementer excitare | poterunt.- Olyssipone: Apud Franciscum Corream, 1576.- [12], 406, [3] p.; 14 cm.- E.
A rare rare typographical species from the 16th century in Lisbon not mentioned in the main bibliographies and catalogues consulted, except in Anselmo (508), Biblioteca de D. Manuel II (193) and Biblioteca Nacional (312) which also mentions two editions of the same work, in the vernacular, also printed in Lisbon, in 1574 and 1577. Cardinal D. Henrique (1512-1580), son of King D. Manuel I and his second wife, D. Maria de Aragão, was the 17th King of Portugal between August 28, 1578 and January 31, 1580. The copy, slightly cropped (carminated edges), has small holes and wormholes in the lower margin that only slightly and occasionally affect the text. The edition, very careful and of small format, is almost entirely composed in italic characters. Provenance: lot no. 376 from auction no. 35 of Pedro de Azevedo, March 2000 (the same copy). Non-contemporary binding, full sheepskin, well preserved.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 600Sold
