euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate
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MORELLIO, Andrea.- Thesaurus Morellianus, sive Familiarum Romanorum numismata omnia, diligentissime undique conquista, ad ipsorum nummorum fidem accuratissime delineata, juxta ordinem Fulivii Ursini & Caroli Patini disposta, a celebrissimuo antiquario Andrea Morellio. Accedunt nummi miscellanei, urbis Romae, Hispanici, & Goltziani dubiae fidei omnes. Nunc primum editit & commentario perpetuo illustravit Sigebertus Havercampus.- Amstelaedami: Apud J. Wetstenium et Gul. Smith, 1734.- 2 vols.: il.; 40 cm.- E. Andrea Morellio (1640-1705), Swiss numismatist and engraver, born in Bern, from 1680 was responsible for the “Cabinet des Médailles” of King Louis XIV, having even been imprisoned in the Bastille, for uncertain reasons. The collation of the two volumes is as follows: [volume I] - [30], 477, [1 br.] p.: 1 frontispiece; [volume II] - [4], [4], p. 481 to 664, [35, 1 br.] p.: 184 engravings. The copperplate prints in the second volume [pars posterior] faithfully represent thousands of Roman coins (front and verso), some of which were in use in the Iberian Peninsula. Copy with slight browning, preserving the original contemporary binding (with new endpapers), fully rigid parchment, with blind decoration and central florets on the covers. Brunet, III, col. 1899.