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euro_symbol€ 25,000 - 37,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 25,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 15,000 - 22,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 23,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 20,000 - 30,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 20,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 12,500 - 18,750 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 12,500Sold


MEJIA, Fernando de.- ¶ Libro intitulado nobiliario perfeta | mente recopylado y ordenado por el on | rrado cauallero Feranto Mexia veyn- | te quatro de Jahen &c.- Seuilla: Pedro Brun [& ] Juã Gentil, [1492].- [96] f.: il.; 28 cm.- E.
Original incunabular edition of the first treaty on nobility and heraldry printed in the Iberian Peninsula, simultaneously the first illustrated book printed in Spain and the first book to include the names of printers Pedro Brun and Juan Gentil. The work, written between 1477 and 1485 by Fernando de Mexia (1424-ca. 1500), is part of the treatise tradition inspired by the works of Bartolo de Sassoferrato and Honoré Bonet, both from the 14th century, translated into Castile by Diego de Valera, in the following century. The “Nobiliário vero”, as it is better known, is divided into three parts and a prologue with the dedication to Fernando II of Aragon, the Catholic. The first part is a universal history from Adam and Eve, for the purpose of explaining the origins of the nobility; a dissertation on the foundations of the work of Bartolo de Sassoferrato follows; the third part is a treatise on heraldry, containing definitions of arms, insignia, coats of arms, flags, metals, and colours, which are distinctives of the nobility. At the end, it includes the following colophon: Acabouse la presente obra sabado xxx. de junio. año dela incarnacion: de mil y. ccc. xcij. años. En la muy noble y lleal çibdad d[e] seuilla impressa por llos onrrados varones maestros. Pedro brun. Juã gentil. fiel y verdaderamente corregida &c. Fully printed edition in two columns (three on the table) in Gothic characters, with sheets 5 and 7 composed on the front in black and red. The 93v sheets. to 95 v. include 64 small heraldic-themed xilographies depicting weapons, weapon quotas, insignia, banners, etc. Treated copy (washed and re-glued), slightly cropped, with the prejudice of occasional marginal notes from the period, which appear a little faded; it preserves, however, good margins. Fresh, fully binding of stiff parchment. Palau, 167245. Goff, M531. Haebler (Bibliography), 411. Maria Valentina Mendes (Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas), 1226. The only existing copy in Portugal (BNP, Inc. 173) is incomplete, with two leaves missing (g1 and g8).

euro_symbol€ 8,000 - 12,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 12,000Sold


NUNES, Pedro.- PETRII NONII | Salaciesis, DE ARTE | ATQVE RATIONE NAVIGANDI | LIBRI DUO. | EIVSDEM in theoricas Planetarum Georgij Purba- | chij annotationes, & in Problema mechanicum Aristo | telis de motu nauigij ex remis annotatio vna. | EIVSDEM de erratis Orontij Finœi Liber vnus. | EIVSDEM de Cropuscolis Lib. 1. Cum libello Allacen de causis Crepusculorim. [gravura xilográfica com as armas de Portugal].- Conimbricæ: In ædibus Antonij à Marij, Vniuersitatis Typographi. Anno 1573.- [10], 201 [i. é 200], [2], 56, [2 br., 2], 63 [i. é 64], [3, 1 br.] p.: il.; 28 cm.- E.
Pedro Nunes (1502-1578), born in Alcácer do Sal, of Jewish family, studied at the University of Salamanca; he was the main cosmographer of the Kingdom and professor at the University of Coimbra, having benefited from the protection of the Court, namely from the infants D. Luís, D. Henrique and D. Duarte, who were his disciples. According to Henrique Leitão, “De arte atque rationi navigandi”, published here for the first time, it is considered “the author's most important book and, therefore, the most important book of Portuguese Science”. Joint edition of four important scientific texts, the first two with consecutive pagination and a single common title page. The two remaining texts with independent title pages and pagination, show the particularity that the dates of the foot press were manually amended, at the time, from 1571 to 1573. Both have the indication on the face of “Secunda editio”. Copy missing the 6th preliminary leaf that should contain the errata and, on the verso, a representation of the compass rose; with slight browning and occasional slight tide stains. Face of the second part (De erratis...) slightly shorter. Circular stamp (±25 mm) erased on the three title pages, resulting in slight abrasion; minor restoration on the last sheet. Interesting ownership manuscript on title page, signed by Caspar Hersbach Agrippinas (Cologne printer and publisher), dated 1619. Recent binding, full canvas in shades of parchment. Anselmo, 861. BN (16th century), 523. Library of King D. Manuel II, 308, 310 and 311.

euro_symbol€ 12,000 - 18,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 12,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 12,000 - 18,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 12,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 10,000 - 15,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 10,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 6,000 - 9,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 9,500Sold

euro_symbol€ 7,500 - 11,250 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 9,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 4,500 - 6,750 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 8,500Sold

euro_symbol€ 8,000 - 12,000 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 8,000Unsold - Sold afterwards
