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Dear Friends,


We are pleased to present to you the catalogue of our live auction 214 dedicated to antiques, modern and contemporary art: a special single session auction, covering a wide range of pieces of special quality, rarity and antiquity with emphasis on Portuguese Painting, Rare Old Books and, in particular, a Kangxi (1662-1722) 12-leaf Chinese screen.


Painting – Portuguese authors


Some highlights:


  • ARTUR LOUREIRO - 1853-1932 - “Na Avenida do Bom Jesus”, oil on wood, signed (lot 208);
  • JOSÉ MALHOA - 1855-1933 - “Senhora entre os vidros”, oil on wood, signed and dated 1926 (lot 115, cover); “Caminho do grego”, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1922 (lot 209);
  • JOSÉ JÚLIO DE SOUSA PINTO - 1856-1939 - “Female figure”, oil on canvas, signed (lot 212) (other lots: 62, 63 and 109);
  • HENRIQUE POUSÃO - 1859-1884 - “Cabeça de velho”, oil on canvas, signed (lot 114);
  • JOÃO VAZ - 1859-1931 - “Praia de Algés”, oil on wood, signed (lot 210); (other lots: 63 A and 64);
  • CARLOS REIS - 1863-1940 - “Mill of Ramal”, oil on canvas, signed (lot 211); Still life, oil on canvas, signed (lot 213); Landscape with houses and figures, oil on wood, signed (lot 214);
  • FRANCIS SMITH - 1881-1961 - “La Corrida”, gouache on paper, signed and dated 1927 (lot 131); (other lots: 264, 246 and 242);
  • ALVES CARDOSO - 1883-1930 - “Pastor com rebanho na mata”, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1921 (lote 207); Female figure with chestnuts, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1912 (lot 108);
  • CARLOS BOTELHO - 1899-1982 - “Baixa” (painted from the terrace of the Hotel Mundial), oil on canvas, signed (lot 247);
  • MARIA HELENA VIEIRA DA SILVA - 1908-1992 - “Babel” or “A Fernando Pessoa”, mixed technique on paper, signed and dated 1979 (lot 356);
  • JÚLIO RESENDE - 1917-2011 - “O gato da manhã”, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1996 (lot 354); (other lots: 255, 358 e 359);
  • MANUEL CARGALEIRO - N. 1927 - “Romaric”, oil on canvas, signed and dated 1972 (lot 129) (other lots: 360 and 253);
  • JULIÃO SARMENTO - 1948-2021 - “Pina (3)”, mixed technique on canvas, signed and dated Cabriz, 1991 (lot 355) (other lots: 140 and 147);


Painting and Sculpture - Foreign Authors


  • Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity and Adoration of the Magi, four Renaissance carved, polychrome and gilt wooden altarpieces, Spanish, 16th C. (1st third) (lots 75, 76, 77 and 78);
  • Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception, oil on canvas, Spanish Colonial school, 18th C. (lot 157);
  • Four Seasons - set of 4 large marble sculptures (198 cm), European, 20th C. (lot 120);


Rare Books and Manuscripts - Lots 270 to 315


  • INDEX | LIBRORVM PROHIBITORVM, [Lisboa: por Francisco Correa], Anno 1564. mense Octobre, volume consisting of the fifth Portuguese edition (of 1564) (lot 284);
  • MEJIA, Fernando de- ¶ Libro intitulado nobiliario perfeta | mente recopylado y ordenado por el on | rrado cauallero Feranto Mexia veyn- | te quatro de Jahen &c.- Seuilla: Pedro Brun [& ] Juã Gentil, [1492] (lot 299);
  • PINTO, Fernão Mendes.- THE | VOYAGES | AND | ADVENTURES, | OF | Fernand Mendez Pinto, London: Printed by J. Macock, and are to be sold by Henry Herringman, 1663 (lot 310);


Cross-culture – lots 167 to 205


Indo-Portuguese art


  • Christ crucified, large ivory sculpture (63,5 cm), partially polychrome, 18th C. (lot 188);
  • Two door cabinet, teak, sissoo, ivory lining and tortoiseshell plaques placed on gold leaf (lot 194);
  • Child Jesus the Good Shepherd sitting on a heart, polychrome ivory sculpture, 17th/18th C. (lot 168);


Other origins


  • Calvary, carved ivory plaque, Hispano-Philippine, 17th/18th C. (lot 167);


Chinese export porcelain


  • Pair of covered urns, Qianlong period (17361795) (lot 39);
  • Pair of “Tobacco Leaf” scalloped platters, Qianlong period (17361795) (lot 152);
  • Salt Cellars - with the coat of arms of the marquises of Marialva, Qianlong period (1736-1795) (lot 41); with the coat of arms of the counts of Linhares, Jiaqing period (1796-1820) (lot 40);


Silverware and Jewellery – Lots 380 to 398




  • A Kangxi period (1662-1722) twelve-panel screen, Chinese (lot 100);
  • A wheellock pistol, German, Nuremberg, circa 1590 (lot 12);
  • Noblemen at the countryside, 130 tile baroque panel, Portuguese, 18th C. (lot 21);
  • A “George Prior” musical table clock (intended for the Turkish market), George III (1760-1820), English, 18th C. (4th quarter) (lot 122);
  • A table clock, marked STEP[HE]n. RIMBAULT – LONDON, English, 18th C. (3rd quarter) (lot 121);
  • Set of chess pieces and boards (lots 316 to 323).


Bidding: Remember that, in addition to the traditional forms of bidding:


  • live (with restrictions, in particular of detachment in force)
  • commission bid
  • phone bid – you can also:
  • bid online during the auction through our dedicated website

Through this platform – in which you must register in advance, even if you are already registered in our online auctions – it is possible to follow the auction and to bid live with no extra cost


Hoping to have the pleasure of receiving you soon, in person or virtually, we wish you all Merry Christmas.


Best regards,



Pedro Maria de Alvim                                                                           Miguel Cabral de Moncada
