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Collecçaõ das leys, decretos, e alvarás (Lisboa, 1749-1814)
[PORTUGAL: leis, decretos, alvarás, etc.].- Collecçaõ das leys, decretos, e alvarás, que comprehende o feliz reinado dElRey fidelissimo D. Joze o I. Nosso Senhor, desde o anno de 1750 até o de 1760, e a pragmatica do Senhor Rey D. João o V. do anno de 1749. Tomo I [a tomo IX (1814)].- Lisboa: Na Officina de Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo [e outros], 1776-1814.- 9 vols.; 28 cm.- E., Collection of laws published separately, gathering more than 1,500 legal diplomas in nine volumes (the first three with title pages and indexes), covering the period from May 24, 1749 to August 9, 1814. The set includes not only the period immediately after the earthquake of November 1, 1755, but also the first seven years of the Court's stay in Rio de Janeiro, although all the diplomas were apparently printed in Lisbon. The nine volumes, slightly trimmed, are exceptionally clean and maintain good margins. Volume I with a manuscript, from the time, on the title page (Serpa?); volume IX has 28 leaves with the lower outeside corners cut, without ever affecting the text; very few traces of worm work, confined to the endpapers of three volumes and no more than six leaves (in more than 6,000) of so many other diplomas contiguous to the endpapers (negligible and marginal traces). Identical entire sheepskin bindings of the time (first quarter of the 19th century), preserving the original endpapers, with traces of worm work on the spines and some weak joints.

euro_symbol€ 2,000 - 3,000 Base - Estimate


Methodo de conhecer, e curar o morbo gallico (Lisboa, 1751)
ARRAIS, Duarte Madeira.- Madeira illustrado. Methodo de conhecer, e curar o morbo gallico, composto pelo Doutor Duarte Madeira Arraez, Physico Mor del Rey D. Joam IV. Reformado ao sentir dos modernos, illustrado com muitos cassos praticos e enriquecido com varios, e eficazes remedios, para extinguir com facilidade este contagio, e para acodir[sic] promptamente aos seus produtos, pelo Doutor Francisco da Fonsecca Henriques, natural de Mirandella [...]. Com huma dissertaçam dos humores naturaes do corpo humano...- Lisboa: na Off. de Domingos Gonsalves, MDCCLI (1751).- [12], 392 p.; 29 cm.- E., The author († 1652), born in Moimenta da Beira, was a doctor of King D. João IV of Portugal; his work, dedicated to curing syphilis, gallic morbidity or Neapolitan evil, a venereal disease known in Portugal since 1496, achieved great popularity, having been first published in 1642, with two editions in the same year (Lourenço de Anvers and António Alvarez), followed by the editions of 1674 (António Rodrigues de Abreu) and 1683 (António Craesbeeck de Mello); the first part was reedited in 1715, by Dr. Francisco da Fonsecca Henriques (1665-1731), doctor of King D. João V of Portugal, who added the indication Madeira illustrado at the beginning of the title. Fifth and last edition (all were published in Lisbon) plus a dissertation on Humors .... Copy with slight browning and slight tide stains on the first eight leaves. Moreover, clean and solid, maintaining good margins. Entire sheepskin binding of the time with floral ornaments between sections and a modernly redone label. Inocêncio, II, p. 209 (does not refer this edition).

euro_symbol€ 200 - 300 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 200Sold


Les dix livres d'architecture de Vitruve (Paris, 1673)
VITRUVIUS (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio).- LES DIX LIVRES | D’ARCHITECTURE | DE | VITRUVE, | CORRIGEZ ET TRADVUITS |nouvellement en François, avec des Notes | & des figures.- A Paris: Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard, M. DC. LXXIII. (1673).- [18], 325 (aliás 329), [1, 16] p.: il.; 41 cm.- E., Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect and civil and military engineer, from the first century before Christ, author of a precious treatise, divided into 10 volumes, which would influence the entire treatise of Renaissance and classical architecture, up to the present day. Original edition of the translation by Charles Perrault (1613-1688), French physician and architect, author of the nascent facade of the Louvre Museum, with its famous “colonnade”. Claude, was the brother of the famous writer Charles Perrault, a pioneer of children's literature and the fairy tale. Edition published without the explicit indication of the translator's name on the title page, composed of: a frontispiece or recorded allegorical title (subscription: S. Le Clerc Inventor - G. Scotin Sculp.); typographical title page; dedication to King Louis XIV, signed by Perrault, and a sonnet by Charpentier (2 f.); preface (6 f.); it follows the text paginated from 1 to 325, with a pagination error starting on page 237 (the next becomes 234, instead of 238) which remains until the end; in the end, the Table de ce qui est contennu dans le texte et dans les notes (7 f.); the last leaf is the Privilege du Roy, with a colophon on the back). In addition to the title, the edition is illustrated with 65 copperplate prints, some of which are full-page, printed next to the text by successive gauffering, as well as numerous smaller woodcut figures. The copy, slightly handled, but complete and clean, has numerous marginal wormholes (repaired with rice paper), affecting mainly the last print (and two more only occasionally), but never the text; some margins reinforced with rice paper, including the title and title page (with overlapping the first letter of the title (L). Slightly worn Entire sheepskin binding of the time, but solid and recoverable, lacking the first flyleaf. Brunet, V, 1329. Cicognara, 727.

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 600Sold


Mappas das Provincias de Portugal (Lisboa, ca. 1769)
CARPINETTI, João Silvério.- Mappas das Provincias de Portugal, novamente abertos, e estampados em Lisboa, Com huma illustração, em que se dá huma breve noticia da Geografia, ensina-se o modo de usar dos Mappas, explicão-se os seus caracteres, e se põem huma breve, mas curiosa, noticia do Reino, Provincias, Cidades, e Villas principaes delle / Offerecidos ao Illustrissimo, e Excelentissimo Senhor Marquez de Pombal, [...] por Joaõ Silverio Carpinetti Lisbonense.- Acha-se na Loja de Francisco Manuel Pires, com Loja de Estampas, no fim da Rua do Passeio em Lisboa, s.d. (depois de 1769].- [8] p.: 7 mapas; 20x27 cm.- B., João Silvério Carpinetti (1740-1800), a disciple of Vieira Lusitano, is considered one of the best engravers of his time. The volume, in oblong format, consists of a title page, another with a warning, two leaves (4 p.) with the illustration to the maps of the Provinces of Portugal and seven copperplate printed maps, five of which have the same subscription: Carp. sc. - Lxª 1762. The maps represent, respectively, the Patriarchate of Portugal, the Province of Entre Douro and Minho, the Province of Traz os Montes, Province of Beira, Province of Estremadura, Province of Alentejo and Kingdom of the Algarves. Second edition (the first is still dedicated to the Count of Oeyras), also undated, probably published in 1762, whose maps were printed from the same matrices. Copy sewn with thread, with two white endpapers, with the slightest browning, as it was offered for sale. Ernesto Soares (História), p. 157 et seq. (Nº 442, for the 1st ed.). Inocêncio, IV, p. 37.

euro_symbol€ 300 - 450 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 300Sold


BINDING with ecclesiastical binding stamps
Missæ in agenda defunctorum tantùm deservientes, ex Missali Romano. Recognito dsumptæ, cum Ordinario, & Canone, ut in ipsis servatur. Ad usum, et commoditatem omnium ecclesiarum [grande vinheta alegórica].- Romæ: Ex Typographia S. Michaelis, MDCCXXII, [1722].- [4], 32 p.: 1 gravura, notação musical; 37 cm.- E., Remarkable binding of liturgical ceremony, profusely worked with gold tooling, mainly with loose tooling; double squares of simple fillets, bordered by 48 vegetal tools and floral ornaments in the corners (the two covers are identical); the large central reserve is occupied by the coat of arms of D. Fr. José Maria da Fonseca e Évora (1690-1752), a prominent Franciscan religious born in Évora, bishop of Oporto (1741-1752), whose secular name was José Ribeiro da Fonseca Figueiredo e Sousa; D. Fr. José Maria was a member of several academies, superior and general prelate of his Order; in 1712 he joined the embassy delegation to Rome, headed by the marquis of Fontes; in 1728 he was appointed "chargé d'affaires" in Rome and, from 1730, ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See; art collector and bibliophile brought together an important library in Rome, which at the time was said to be only surpassed by the one of the Holy See. The surrounding space of the binding stamps is completely filled by an elaborate work of interlacing forming 18 small reserves filled with guilloche decoration with three different patterns (four reserves remained ungilded). The covers have gold decoration in their thickness and in the squares. Slightly worn and dehydrated binding (but recoverable), with slight discolouration (photodegradation) in the front cover. Bearing in mind the characteristics of the coat of arms (twelve tassels and episcopal cross), we believe we can say that the binding will be of Portuguese making, dated between 1741 and 1752.
Dimensões (altura x comprimento x largura) - 39 x 26,5 x 2,2 cm

euro_symbol€ 1,800 - 2,700 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 2,200Sold


La vraye et parfaite science des armoiries (Dijon, 1660)
PALLIOT, Pierre.- LA VRAYE | ET | PARFAITE SCIENCE | DES ARMOIRIES, | OV | L’INDICE ARMORIAL | DE FEV MAISTRE | LOVVAN GELIOT, ADVOCAT | AV PARLEMENT DE BOVRGOGNE. | APPRENANT, ET EXPLIQVANT SOMMAIRE- | ment les Mots & Figures dont on se sert au Blason des | Armoiries, & l’origine d’icelles. | AVGMENTÉ DE NOMBRE DE TERMES, | & enrichy de grande multitude d’exemples des Armes des familles | [...] | Par PIRRE PALLIOT, Parisien, Imprimeur du Roy...- A Dijon: Chez ledit Pierre Palliot, 1660.- [32], 678, [51, 1 br. p.: il.; 35 cm.- E., Pierre Palliot (1608-1698), genealogist, heraldist, engraver and printer, born in Paris, with extensive work produced, especially on his favorite themes. Original edition of one of the most famous heraldry treatises published in France between the 16th and 18th centuries, closely following Geliot's little manual published in 1635. Profusely copperplate illustrated (engraving and etching) with hundreds of examples of coat of arms and other elements, namely supports, coronets, enamels, partitions, figures, crests, etc. In reality, only two double-page prints, located between pages 32 and 33, were printed separately. All the rest are integrated in the text (they are part of the sections) and were gauffered by successive printing, including the title and the allegorical engraving on the back of the typographic title page. The work was redited in facsimile, by Rouveyre, in Paris, in 1895. Complete copy, with slight browning, covered with excellent 19th century French binding, full tobacco Moroccan, signed Belz-Niedrée (Philippe Belz, bookbinder with workshop in Paris active around 1860-70); covers decorated with semée of fleur de lis (with central reserves), closed panels on the spine, filets of coupe and rolls on the squares; marbled paper endpapers and impeccably gilt edges. Brunet, II, col. 1519 (referring to Louvan Geliot as the author). Gaston Saffroy (Bibliographie généalogique, héraldique et nobiliaire de la France ...), 2229.

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 800Sold


Histoire Naturelle des Coralines, de John Ellis, 1756
ELLIS, John.- Essai sur l’histoire naturelle des coralines, et d’autres productions marines du même genre, qu’on trouve communement sur les cotes de la Grande Bretagne de d’Irlande; auquel on a joint une description du grand polype de mer, pris auprès du Pole Arctique, par des pêcheurs de baleine, pendant l’Eté de 1753. / par Jean Ellis, membre de la Societé Royale. Traduit de l’anglois.- A La Haye: Chez Pierre de Hondt, M. DCC. LVI.,[1756].- XVI, 125, [3] p.: XXXIX gravuras; 27 cm.- E., First and only French translation of the work of Irish naturalist John Ellis (1710-1776), considered the most important scientific work on corals published in the eighteenth century (the original edition had been published in London the previous year). Ellis, who initially devoted himself to the linen trade, came to specialize in the study of corals, having exchanged extensive correspondence with Lineu (Carl von Linné, 1707-1778). An illustrated edition with a frontispiece engraved next to the front page and 39 numbered copperplate engravings, of which four are foldable (the prints of this copy are not coloured). Slightly disjointed and cropped specimen, with sometimes deep wormholes, next to the backbone(near the upper and lower margins) and on the lower margin which, however, do not affect the text or engraved area of the prints. It is, however, complete and clean. An entire sheepskin 19th-century binding, worn with marbled edges. Brunet, II, col. 963. Nissen, BBI, 590.

euro_symbol€ 700 - 1,050 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold


Descriptions des arts et métiers (Neuchatel, 1771-1781)
DESCRIPTIONS des arts et métiers faites ou approuvées par Messieurs de L'Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Avec figures en taille-douce.- Nouvelle édition. / Pubilée avec des observations, & augmentée de tout ce qui a été écrit de mieux sur ces matières, en Allemagne, en Angleterre, en Suisse, en Italie. Par J. E. Bertrand...- A Neuchatel: dans l'Imprimerie de la Societé Typographique, M.DCC.LXXI -M.DCC.LXXXI (1771-1781).- 19 vols.: il.; 24 cm.- E., Complete and clean set of the smaller format edition of the monumental Descriptions des arts et métiers, initially published in fascicles, in folio format, from the beginning of the 18th century in Paris. This edition was published in Neuchatel between 1771 and 1781, at the initiative of the Swiss pastor, geologist and naturalist Élie Bertrand (1713-1797) and had the collaboration of the best experts in each of the thematic domains, namely, Beauvais-Raseau, Courtivon , Demachy, Dudin, Duhamel Du Monceau, Fiquet, Fougeroux d'Angerville, Fougeroux de Bondaroy, Galon, Garsault, La Lande, Le Vieil, Malouin, Milly, Morand, Paulet, Réaumur, Saint Aubin, Struve, etc. The copper plate opened engraving and etching prints, will have been reduced from the originals (of larger format), by the pantograph process. The set, slightly trimmed but clean, includes 510 engravings, with independent numbering, bound at the end of each volume, related to the various chapters of the text. Plate V of volume X trimmed at the lower margin, with damage to the image; Volume XIV with water stains (tidal) affecting mainly the first 16 prints and eight badly folded plates, with marginal imperfections. All volumes have, labeled on the back cover, a typographic label with the initials P.M.B. Contemporary leather half-bindings, slightly worn and dehydrated; some damaged turn ins (at the top and bottom); all volumes retain the original marbled endpapers; blue anilized edge. A detailed list with the bibliographic description of each of the volumes is available to interested parties.

euro_symbol€ 4,000 - 6,000 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 10,000 - 15,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 10,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 600 - 900 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 3,600Sold

euro_symbol€ 5,000 - 7,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 5,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,100Sold

euro_symbol€ 800 - 1,200 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 800Sold

euro_symbol€ 15,000 - 22,500 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 1,000 - 1,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 1,100Sold

euro_symbol€ 750 - 1,125 Base - Estimate

remove_shopping_cart€ 0Unsold

euro_symbol€ 3,000 - 4,500 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 10,000Sold

euro_symbol€ 8,000 - 12,000 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 8,500Sold
