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Session 1 | February 25, 2019  | 321 Lots


euro_symbol€ 300 - 450 Base - Estimate

gavel€ 300Sold

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GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO - 1313-1375 La geneologia de gli Dei de Gentili BOCCACCIO, Giovanni.- LA | GENEOLOGIA | DE GLI DEI | DE GENTILI | DI M. GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO | CON LA SPOSITIONE DE SENSI | allegorici delle fauole, & con la dichiaratione dell'historie | appartenenti a detta materia. | TRADOTTA PER M. GIOSEPPE | BETVSSI DA BASSANO.- In Venetia: Apresso Giacomo Sansovino, MDLXIX (1569).- [8], 263 f.; 20 cm.- E. Divided into fifteen books, the genealogy of the Pagan gods is one of the most complete collections of Legends of Greek mythology. Compiled by Boccaccio (1313-1375) around the decade of 1360, with a spirit of humanist, but still retaining a medieval structure, it was used as a reference, sometimes without account, by writers and poets, until the end of the nineteenth century. Some water stains (marginal and minor) and a moth cut, sometimes deep, on the lower margin in about half of the volume, without ever affecting the text. On the other, a clean and good-margins specimen, slightly loss flexible parchment lined binding of the time.
